Dr Andrew Betik is a postdoctoral research fellow working for the Institute for Health and Sport.
Andrew obtained his MSc from the University of Waterloo in Cardiorespiratory Physiology, and then his PhD from the University of Calgary (Exercise and Muscle Physiology) looking at the role of exercise in old age to induce mitochondrial biogenesis and prevent the age-related decline in muscle aerobic capacity.
Andrew has a diverse background in applied and basic physiology, with specific strengths in muscle metabolism and exercise using rodent models in disease states such as aging, diabetes and obesity. Specifically, his current projects are investigating the role of nitric oxide in facilitating glucose uptake in diabetic muscle and the potential benefits of tocotrienols to improve fat metabolism.
Andrew has ongoing collaborations with:
- Professor Andrew McAinch, Associate Professor Michael Mathai, Associate Professor Alan Hayes (VU)
- Professor Glenn McConell (VU)
- Dr Erik Hanson (University of North Carolina, USA)
- Professor Steve Rattigan and Dr Michelle Keske (Menzies Research Institute, Tasmania)
- Professor Erick Richter, Professor B Kiens, Dr Kim Sjoberg, Dr Lykke Sylow (University of Copenhagen).
Dr Betik has 19 journal publications and 20 conference presentations to date. A selection of his work is presented below.
Hong, Y.H., Betik, A.C.*, Premilovac, D., Dwyer, R.M., Keske, M.A., Rattigan, S. and McConell, G.K. (2015) No effect of NOS inhibition on skeletal muscle glucose uptake during in situ hindlimb contraction in healthy and diabetic Sprague Dawley rats, American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, in Press, 308: R862-R871.
(*Hong and Betik are considered equal first authors.)
Hong, Y.H., Frugier, R., Zhang, X., Murphy, R.M., Lynch, G.S., Betik, A.C., Rattigan, S. and McConell, G.K. (2015) Glucose uptake during contraction in isolated skeletal muscles from neuronal nitric oxide synthase µ knockout mice, Journal of Applied Physiology, 118: 1113-1121.
Hong, Y.H., Betik, A.C. and McConell, G.K. (2014) Role of nitric oxide in skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise, Experimental Physiology, 99: 1569-1573.
Wright, KJ, Thomas, MM, Betik, AC, Belke, D & Hepple, RT 2014, ‘Exercise training initiated in late middle age attenuates cardiac fibrosis and advanced glycation end-product accumulation in senescent rats’, Experimental Gerontology, 50, 9-18.
Bertucci, WM, Betik, AC, Duc, S & Grappe, F 2012, 'Gross efficiency and cycling economy are higher in the field as compared with on an axiom stationary ergometer', J Appl Biomech, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 636-44.
View more of Andrew's publications in the Victoria University Research Repository.
Teaching responsibilities
Lecturer and tutor for the following units:
Postgraduate research students and fellows
Current co-supervision:
- Jarrod Kerris, IHES.
- Yet Hong Hoi (Graduated June 2015).
- Jay Aguila (completed November 2012).
Research grants
- Diabetes of Australia Research Trust (DART) 2013, $59,262 (AI with Prof Glenn McConell). Does modifications of the cytoskeleton via non cGMP dependant nitric oxide signalling regulate skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise?
- Internal funding grants from Victoria University in 2012, totalling $31,950.
- Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide-induced Increases in Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake Victoria University Research Development Grant Scheme - $27,950
- Role of Testosterone and Protein Supplementation in the Maintenance and Regrowth of Skeletal Muscle; Victoria University BioLED Small Grants Scheme - $4,000 (collaboration with Dr. Erik Hanson).
- Institute for Health and Sport – Clinical Exercise Science Program:
- Metabolic Function
- Muscle Mass & Neuromuscular function
- Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS)
Areas of expertise
- Clinical exercise science – metabolic function & muscle mass & neuromuscular function
- Muscle and exercise physiology (human and rodent)