Water & wastewater treatment research
We provide industry and community solutions in the areas of:
- sustainable advanced water treatment technologies
- membrane separations
- energy, and resource recovery and management
- social and behavioural research.
Research areas
We have the capability to develop and demonstrate water and wastewater treatment technologies at both the laboratory and pilot scale. These include desalination and low-pressure membrane systems, which are central to the Institute's research program.
Our research focus areas include:
- increase water recovery from desalination processes
- scaling and fouling reduction of membrane systems
- development of advanced oxidation materials and processes for organics destruction
- minimisation of the residuals and residuals treatment
- improve the performance and management of small scale treatment systems
- industrial water treatment
- recovery of valuable resources from domestic and industrial wastewater.

Research staff & students
Read about our researchers, and find contact details.

Industry advisory committee
Our programs are strongly connected to industry partners through the advisory committee and adjunct appointments, and via partnerships on individual research projects.
We also undertake consultancy projects across our broad portfolio of research areas. Our laboratory facilities are available to our industry partners and a list of equipment available is listed below.
Laboratory facilities
Our laboratory facilities are available to our industry partners and include:
- laboratory and pilot plant membrane facilities for flat sheet, hollow fibre and ceramic membranes
- membrane autopsy facilities.

Our staff are experts in their fields of advanced membrane treatment, novel desalination processes, social and behavioural aspects of water use, environment assessment and ecology.
If you require further information about water research, or would like to know how we can work in partnership with you, please contact us.
Victoria University
Building 4 (via gate 3), Room 4103 Werribee campus
Hoppers Lane
Werribee 3030
Postal address
Victoria University
PO Box 14428
Melbourne, VIC 8001
Phone & fax
Phone: + 61 3 9919 8248
Fax: + 61 3 9919 7696
Professor Mikel Duke
Professorial research fellow
Phone: +61 3 9919 7682