Refereed journal articles
Molina, A., & Lamb, S. (2022). School segregation, inequality and trust in institutions: evidence from Santiago. Comparative Education, 58(1), 72-90.
The Smith Family (2022). The Catch-Up Learning program: Supporting students experiencing disadvantage through online tutoring at home, The Smith Family.
Molina, A., Shlezinger, K., & Cahill, H. (2021). Asking for a friend: seeking teacher help for the homophobic harassment of a peer. The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-21.
Molina, A., Cahill, H., & Dadvand, B. (2021). The role of gender, setting and experience in teacher beliefs and intentions in social and emotional learning and respectful relationships education. The Australian Educational Researcher, 1-17.
Carnoy, M., Brodziak, I., Molina, A., Socias, M. (2007). The Limitations of Teacher Pay Incentive Programs Based on Inter-Cohort Comparisons: The Case of Chile’s SNED. Education Finance and Policy, 2007, Volume 2, Issue 3, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA.
Molina, A. (2021). School Segregation and Social Cohesion in Santiago: Perspectives from the Chilean Experience. Springer International Publishing.
Refereed book chapters
Molina, A. (2023). School segregation and effects on social cohesion: The case of Chile. In Berends, M., Schneider, B., & Lamb, S. (Eds.). The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education. SAGE Publications Limited, United Kingdom.
Molina, A., Manzi, J. (2024). School Segregation and Student Skills, Dispositions, and Engagement in Santiago. In Lamb, S. & Rumberger, R. (Eds.). Inequality in key skills of city youth: An international comparison. Special Issue American Educational Research Association.
Molina, A., & Lamb, S. (2023). School segregation, inequality and trust in institutions: evidence from Santiago. In Perry, L. B., Rowe, E., & Lubienski, C. (Eds.). Comparative Perspectives on School Segregation. Taylor & Francis.