Judge Gray is a County Court Judge and State Coroner for Victoria, he commenced these roles in November 2012. His previous role was Chief Magistrate of Victoria.
Ian Gray completed his Bachelor of Laws at Monash University and was subsequently admitted to the bar of the High Court of Australia, and the Supreme Courts of Victoria and the Northern Territory.
Early in his career Judge Gray worked in private practice as a solicitor in a Community Legal Service, the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and as a Barrister specialising in criminal defence work.
From 1987 - 1990 Ian was the Principal Legal Advisor for the Northern Land Council in Darwin, then in 1990 he was appointed as a magistrate in the Northern Territory. In 1992 he was appointed as the Chief Magistrate of the Northern Territory.
In 1998 Ian returned to the Victorian Bar where he practised in criminal law, administrative law and employment law. In March 2001 Ian was appointed as the Chief Magistrate of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.
Industry experience
- 2012 State Coroner
- 2012 County Court Judge
- 2001 - 2012 Chief Magistrate, Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
- 1998 Victorian Bar
- 1992 Appointed Chief Magistrate of the Northern Territory
- 1990 Appointed Magistrate, Northern Territory
- 1987 - 1990 Principal Legal Advisor, Northern Territory Land Council
Other associations
- Patron of the Eastern Community Legal Centre
- Member of the Board of the Australian Intercultural Society
- Chair, RMIT Juris Doctor Advisory Board
- White Ribbon Ambassador
Teaching responsibilities
- Provide specialist lectures within the undergraduate LLB and postgraduate programs provided by the Victoria Law School, in both Melbourne and offshore delivery programs.
- Contribute to short course programs counting for Continuing Legal Education points within seminar series conducted by the Victoria Law School.
- Provide input into the activities of the Research Units attached to the Victoria Law School.
- Course and subject content development and revision.
- Contribute to the development of links between staff and students in the Victoria Law School with members of the judiciary and legal profession and further development of LIWC.