Dr Mamatha (Mimi) has a diverse background in both teaching and research. She began teaching at Victoria University in 2022 in a broad range of units related to Anatomy, Physiology and Biostatistics.

She completed her PhD in 2022 at Deakin University. Her PhD determined metabolism of creatine in pregnant and non-pregnant human uterus and the effect of maternal creatine supplementation in the pregnant spiny mice uterus. She has published her PhD work in high-impact journals.

Before embarking on her PhD, She completed a masters by research degree in Human Nutrition and Physiology in India. After which she began working as a Research Fellow at St John's Research Institute Bengaluru, India. Here she worked on research projects that focused on generating age and sex‐specific percentiles for body composition in children and projects that measured fat-free mass and fat mass in South Indian children using a 4-compartment (4C) and 2C-model.

Her research from masters degree and work at St John’s Research Institute is published in high impact journals.

Currently, Mamatha teaches Anatomy, Physiology and Mathematics and Statistics for Biomedicine in the First Year College at Victoria University. She is also working on research related to dietary inflammation and skeletal muscle health.

Areas of expertise

  • Body composition
  • Dietary supplementation and dietary inflammation
  • Smooth muscle physiology
  • Skeletal muscle health

Contact details

(03) 9919 2009


Refereed journal articles

  • Philip, M., Snow, R. J., Della Gatta, P. A., Callahan, D. L., Bellofiore, N., Salamonsen, L. A., Palmer, K. R., & Ellery, S. J. (2023). Aspects of human uterine creatine metabolism during the menstrual cycle and at term pregnancy. Biology of Reproduction, 109(6), 839–850. https://doi.org/10.1093/biolre/ioad099
  • Bandyopadhyay, S., Puttaswamy, D., Gabriel, M. P., J, J., Finkelstein, J. L., Selvam, S., Kurpad, A. V., & Kuriyan, R. (2022). Estimation of Hydration and Density of Fat-Free Mass in Indian Children Using a 4-Compartment Model: Implications for the Estimation of Body Composition Using 2-Compartment Models. The Journal of Nutrition. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tjnut.2022.12.025
  • Muccini, A. M., Tran, N. T., de Guingand, D. L., Philip, M., Della Gatta, P. A., Galinsky, R., Sherman, L. S., Kelleher, M. A., Palmer, K. R., Berry, M. J., Walker, D. W., Snow, R. J., & Ellery, S. J. (2021). Creatine Metabolism in Female Reproduction, Pregnancy and Newborn Health. Nutrients, 13(2), 490. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020490
  • Philip, M., Snow, R. J., Gatta, P. A. D., Bellofiore, N., & Ellery, S. J. (2020). Creatine metabolism in the uterus: potential implications for reproductive biology. Amino Acids, 52(9), 1275–1283. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00726-020-02896-3
  • Kuriyan, R., Selvan, S., Thomas, T., Jayakumar, J., Lokesh, D. P., Phillip, M. P., Aravind, J. V., & Kurpad, A. V. (2018). Body Composition Percentiles in Urban South Indian Children and Adolescents. Obesity, 26(10), 1629–1636. https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.22292

Book chapter

Kannan Eagappan, Mamatha Philip G, Deena Sangeetha C, Vivek N., and Ramalingam S. (2014) Effect of Green Tea on the Pharmacodynamics of Warfarin. In New Research in Cardiovascular Health Page 399-421, series Cardiology Research and Clinical Development.

Conference presentations

  • Oral presentation on Creatine metabolism in the pregnant human uterus at Faculty of Health DUHRS virtual conference, 12 February 2021.
  • Oral presentation on Creatine metabolism and supplementation of the maternal uterus at Australian Reproduction update 25 and 26 November 2019, Park Hyatt Melbourne.
  • Oral presentation on Creatine metabolism and supplementation of the maternal uterus at School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 15th Research Symposium 11 October 2018, Burwood Corporate Centre.
  • Oral presentation on Creatine metabolism and supplementation of the maternal uterus at School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 14th Research Symposium 12 October 2018, Burwood Corporate Centre.
  • Poster presentation on Creatine metabolism and supplementation of the maternal uterus at Faculty of Health HDR conference, 3 December 2018, Deakin Downtown.
  • Poster presentation at the Annual conference Nutrition society of India (2013) held at Hyderabad India on "Body Composition of South Indian Nursing staff working in a tertiary care hospital".