- available for PhD and Masters Research supervision.
Dr Walayat Hussain is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Information Systems and Business Intelligence at Victoria University Business School, Victoria University. He has academic and industry experience of over 16 years.
Before joining VU, he served as a Lecturer and Research Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney Australia for six years, and an Assistant Professor and the Postgraduate program coordinator at BUITEMS University for many years.
Walayat's research areas are Distributed Systems, AI, Information Systems, Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, and Usability Engineering.
His work has been published in different top-ranked reputable ERA-A*, A, Q1 journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, Information Sciences, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, The Computer Journal (Oxford University Press), Information Systems, Computer & Industrial Engineering, IEEE Access, IEEE TGCN, IEEE TETCI, ACM TOMM, International Journal of Communication Systems, Mobile Networks and Applications, GJFSM, FUZZ- IEEE, ICIEA, ICONIP, and many others.
Walayat is the Associate Editor of IET- Communications and Editorial Board member of Forecasting, an international journals, and has been a guest editor for several other international journals such as - Computer Networks, Forecasting, IEEE TETCI, WCMC, IJCS, and many others.
He has served as a General Chair and led EAI-IoTaaS 2021 7th EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (13-14 December 2021). He has served as a General Co-chair in the 3rd International Conference on MMCITARE (4-6 March 2022) and Technical Program Committee Chair at BIG-IoT-EDU (29 -31 July 2022).
He has served as a track chair in 14th IEEE ICEBE -China and PC member in NBiS 2016 Czech Republic. He also served a member of the board of faculty and studies at BUITEMS University for three years.
Walayat has won multiple national and international research awards and recognitions.
He is the recipient of the prestigious National Research Award by the Ministry of Higher Education Govt. of Oman, Best Paper Award at 3PGCIC 2015, 2016 Poland, South Korea, IoTaaS 2021 Australia and FEIT HDR Publication Award by the UTS Australia.
W. Hussain, J.M. Merigó , H. Gao, A. Alkalbani, F. Rabhi (2022) Integrated AHP-OWA, POWA Framework for Ideal Cloud Provider Selection and Optimum Resource Management. IEEE Transactions on Service Computing. (CORE – A*, JCR- Q1, IF: 8.216, Ranked 1/108 in CS&SE, 7/162 in CS & IS). 10.1109/TSC.2021.3124885
W. Hussain, J.M. Merigó , R.Raza, H. Gao (Jan, 2022) A New QoS Prediction Model using Hybrid IOWA- ANFIS with Fuzzy C-Means, Subtractive Clustering and Grid Partitioning. Information Sciences. (Impact Factor: 6.795, SJR- Q1, ERA- A, 18/162 in CS & IS).
W. Hussain, JM. Merigó, MR. Raza. (2022) Predictive Intelligence using ANFIS Induced OWAWA for Complex Stock Market Prediction. International Journal of Intelligent Systems. (JCR– Q1, Impact Factor: 8.709, 12/139 in CS).
W. Hussain et al. (July 2018) Comparative Analysis of the Accuracy of Cloud QoS Prediction Approaches. Future Generation Computer Systems. (Impact Factor: 7.187, JCR- Q1, ERA, CORE-A Journal).
W. Hussain, et al. (Sep 2017) Formulating viable SLAs in Cloud Computing from a service provider’s viewpoint: a state-of-the-art review. Information Systems. vol. 71, pp. 240-259, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.309, JCR- Q1, ERA, CORE – A* Journal).
W. Hussain; O. Sohaib; M. Naderpor; H. Gao (2019) Cloud Marginal Resource Allocation Decision: A Fuzzy Decision Support System. Mobile Network and Application (MONET). (Impact Factor: 3.426).
W. Hussain, O. Sohaib. Analysing Cloud QoS Prediction Approaches and its Control Parameters: Considering Overall Accuracy and Freshness of a Dataset. IEEE Access. (SJR- Q1, IF: 3.367).
W. Hussain, M.A. Jan. (2022) Internet of Things as a Service – IoTaaS : EAI IoTaaS – 7th EAI International Conference of IoT as a Service. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Springer.
H. Gao; W. Hussain; J.Y. Kim; M. Iqbal. (2022) Intelligent Processing and IT Tools for E-Commerce Data, Information, and Knowledge. EAI / Springer Innovation in Communication and Computing. 10.1007/978-3-030-78303-7.
Hussain W., Merigó J.M., Rabhi F., Gao H. (2022). Aggregating Fuzzy Sentiments with Customized QoS Parameters for Cloud Provider Selection using Fuzzy Best Worst and Fuzzy TOPSIS. In: Soft Computing and Fuzzy Methodologies in Innovation Management and Sustainability. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer.
Hussain W., Merigó J.M. (2022) Centralised Quality of Experience and Service Framework Using PROMETHEE-II for Cloud Provider Selection. In: Gao H., Kim J.Y., Hussain W., Iqbal M., Duan Y. (eds) Intelligent Processing Practices and Tools for E-Commerce Data, Information, and Knowledge. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham.
Hussain W., Hussain F.K., Hussain O.K. (2016) SLA Management Framework to Avoid Violation in Cloud. In: Hirose A., Ozawa S., Doya K., Ikeda K., Lee M., Liu D. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9949. Springer, Cham
Hussain W., Hussain F.K., Hussain O.K. (2014) Maintaining Trust in Cloud Computing through SLA Monitoring. In: Loo C.K., Yap K.S., Wong K.W., Beng Jin A.T., Huang K. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8836. Springer, Cham.
A. Ali, W. Hussain. (2022) "Issues of Internet of Things: Factoring Elements from the Social and Information Systems". EAI- IoTaaS 7th EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS). Dec 13 – 14. Sydney, Australia.
M.R Raza, W. Hussain, J.M. Merigó. (October 2021) Long Short-Term Memory-based Sentiment Classification of Cloud Dataset. 2021 IEEE Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference. Oct 06- 08, 2021 Turkey.
B.M. Alrasheed, W. Hussain. (November 2020) Managing SLA violation using Fuzzy re-SchdNeg Decision Model. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application. November, Norway. (CORE A-Rank)
W. Hussain, F.K. Hussain, O.K. Hussain. (2016) "Allocating Optimised Resources in the Cloud by a Viable SLA Model". 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). 24-29 July 2016. Vancouver Canada. (ERA, CORE A-Rank) DOI: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2016.7737836
W. Hussain, F.K. Hussain, O.K. Hussain. (2015) "Comparative analysis of consumer profile-based methods to predict SLA violation". 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). 2-5 Aug. 2015. (ERA, CORE A-Rank) DOI: 10.1109/FUZZ-IEEE.2015.7337993