Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS)

Graduate Outcomes Survey

The GOS is a national survey of recent graduates of Australian higher education institutions to measure employment and study outcomes.

After graduation, you'll be invited to complete the Australian government Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS).

This gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts on VU, and helps us improve graduate outcomes.

The GOS collection cycle takes place three times a year (February, May and November). Now is your opportunity to complete the survey to be in the draw to win a gift card valued up to $1000.

Why complete the survey?

The results of the Graduate Outcome Survey help universities and the Department of Education understand and improve students’ experience of their course and the post-university job search.

This is your opportunity to provide feedback on your course, and to influence change in the university sector for the students who follow you.


Every VU student who completes the survey (GOS) will be included in the national prize draw run by GOS.

About the Graduate Outcomes Survey

The Graduate Outcomes Survey is administered by the Social Research Centre on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Education. You'll receive a reminder to take part in late October or early November from  [email protected] .

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, and the results are used to improve courses and graduate outcomes.

Completing the survey is voluntary, but we encourage you to take part. All responses are confidential; results are collected and grouped to establish trends and patterns. There are follow-up surveys in February and May.

As part of the Graduate Outcomes Survey, you can volunteer your work supervisor's contact details so they can participate in the Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS). This lets employers provide their perception of VU and higher education in general – they won't be asked to provide an assessment of you as a graduate. The results of the ESS provide information about the skills needed for the workforce and how well universities are responding to those needs.

Your privacy

The Social Research Centre respects your privacy. Read their full privacy terms.