Engineering, IT & science work placements

Our courses are designed to ensure you graduate industry-ready with an understanding of economic, environmental and social issues.

To help you prepare for your career, all students take part in work experience and complete industry projects.

Finding work placements

Find opportunities for part-time, graduate and vacation work on our Jobs Board, a free employment service available online at VU Learning Hub.

VU students and recent graduates can search for:

  • local, national and international degree-related employment opportunities
  • upcoming career and employment events/workshops
  • career resources and planning.

You can also register with Engineers Australia as a student or graduate member to gain access to EA Connect, which offers work-placement opportunities in the engineering industry.

Engineering industrial experience

Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Engineering course undertake compulsory practical experience to qualify for graduation.

This practical experience provides you with an understanding of professional practice outside the educational setting. On completion of your work experience, you'll be required to submit a Certificate for Industrial Experience and a reflection report.

Read the following documents for further information on the practical requirements:


All students undertaking work experience are covered by the University's insurance.

Contact us

To request a current statement of insurance cover by the University, or for any questions relating to the practical work experience, please email  [email protected] .

Information technology (IT) industry experience & projects

Students enrolled in a Bachelor of IT are required to complete compulsory industry projects during their final year to qualify for graduation.

The year-long industry project helps you to:

  • apply skills and knowledge from earlier units in the course
  • gain valuable hands-on professional experience and skills alongside IT professionals
  • gain exposure to real-world business problems that require IT solutions
  • learn IT project management skills, such as liaising with clients and working in a team
  • get insight into an IT career and contemporary workplace environment
  • improve communication and interpersonal skills
  • become more employable.


All students undertaking industry projects are covered by the University’s insurance.

To request a current statement of insurance cover by the University, email the ICT Industry Projects Coordinators (see Contact us).

Information & communications technology (ICT) industry placements & scholarships

ICT skills university scholarships are available to fund placements during semester breaks, helping you to develop employability skills. They are sponsored by the Victorian Government when funding is available. To apply, students submit a written application and then complete an interview with an industry partner. 

Contact us

For any questions relating to IT industry projects, please email the ICT Industry Projects Coordinator:

Science projects & placements

Biotechnology, ecology & environmental management projects

Biotechnology, ecology and environmental management projects generally consist of lab or field-based experiments carried out over one or two semesters in your third year. These hands-on research projects familiarise you with the tools and procedures associated with sound scientific method, and build skills essential to becoming a successful scientist.

Some current biotechnology projects include:

  • The effect of a traditional medicine, Ferula asafoetida, on inhibiting colon cancer cell growth
  • Intraspecies polymorphism analysis of cytochrome C oxidase subunit I in Nototodarus gouldi using the FINS technique
  • Genetic analysis of grevillea glabella 'lara form.'

Some current ecology and environmental management projects include:

  • Distribution and abundance of butterflies in themeda grassland
  • Skeletochronology of striped legless lizards – aging an endangered lizard
  • Viability and germination of the endangered plant senecio macrocarpa
  • Using ants as bio-indicators of ecosystem health
  • Genetics of a new species of cymbidium in Sikkim and Burma.

Chemistry projects & placements

Chemistry projects generally involve an industry placement with a range of VU's research partners.

Practical placements with industry partners let you gain ‘hands-on’ experience in real projects. During your placement, you'll develop the skills needed to carry out up-to-date, best-practice work, and gain key career opportunities.

VU stories

Zahra Rezai
Hacking her way to success
Bachelor of Information Technology, Master of Applied Information Technology
"I have VU to thank for so many opportunities. From placing me at my internship where I got first-hand industry experience in the Footscray community, and giving me access to the best experience ever."
Zahra's story
A practical engineering advantage
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Honours)
"The opportunities I received during my studies – from great staff and practical studies relating to the workforce, to overseas study opportunities and career management resources – I wouldn’t have found elsewhere."
The opportunities I received during my studies – from great staff and practical studies relating to the workforce, to overseas study opportunities and career management resources – I wouldn’t have found elsewhere.
Christine Soriano.
Working the dream at Facebook
Bachelor of Information Technology
"Today I work at Facebook in the US as a product designer. It's hard to not to be excited as you have the chance to meet and learn from so many talented people."
Today I work at Facebook in the US as a product designer. It's hard to not to be excited as you have the chance to meet and learn from so many talented people.
A path of opportunity from ESL to PhD
Research scientist
"I had many opportunities for professional development and extracurricular activities at VU that were critical to my success."
I had many opportunities for professional development and extracurricular activities at VU that were critical to my success.