Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Students who study at a university, TAFE, or another nationally recognised training organisation, need a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes all VU students.
Without a USI, you cannot receive Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.
Why you need a USI
A USI is your individual education number. You keep this number for life and will use it for all of your higher education or training, at any university, TAFE or other nationally registered training organisation in Australia.
Your USI identifies you as a student who has undertaken vocational education and training (VET) and/or higher education studies. It also creates an online record of your Australian training achievements in the form of a USI Transcript. It is also used to connect your student loan information to your personal details.
You can log in and check or update your details at any time. For more information, view the USI government website.
New students
Higher education students need a USI in order to be eligible for a Commonwealth supported place (CSP) and Commonwealth financial assistance (HECS-HELP, FEE-HELP or OS-HELP).
You need to provide your USI to us before the first census date.
Current students
All higher education students (Australian residents and international students) must have a USI in order to graduate and receive their award.
Apply for a USI
Applying for a USI is fast and free, and you keep the same USI for life.Â
If you've studied at tertiary level in the last few years, you will have a USI already. If you don't have a USI, you'll need to get one before you apply for your course.
Make sure that the details you provide to VU (such as your full name and date of birth) match the details you use to create your USI. Please use your legal name as it appears on your passport or other official identification.
If you are an international student, you cannot apply for a USI while you are overseas, but can apply once you have arrived in Australia. Enrolment without a USI is enabled on MYVU for international students.
Identification requirements
You need one form of identification to create a USI.
Acceptable forms of identification:
- Australian passport
- non-Australian passport (with Australian visa)
- Australian birth certificate
- Australian driver’s licence
- Medicare card
- certificate of registration by descent
- Centrelink concession card
- citizenship certificate
- ImmiCard.
Provide your USI
New students
You will be asked to provide a USI at the application and admission stage. If you do not have a USI prior to enrolling, you must provide it as part of the online enrolment process.
You will not be able to finalise your enrolment without a valid USI.
Current students
Continuing students can submit the USI in the My Personal Details section via Student Connect. Alternatively, login to MyVU and click on the USI Verification tile.