About the Mitchell Institute

Learn more about the Mitchell Institute and its mission.
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The Mitchell Institute at Victoria University is one of Australia’s leading policy research think tanks and trusted thought leaders. 

We are informed, independent and influential, with a proven ability to identify current and emerging problems and find achievable solutions. 

With a particular focus on improving the educational opportunities of all Australians, we monitor the performance of our education system to develop and advocate for policies that reduce inequality and support a fairer and more productive society. We achieve this through the rigorous analysis of existing data, such as that provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS); the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA); the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY); the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Children (LSAC); Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA); and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), amongst many others. We gather new data as needed to examine areas of interest and provide the most robust policy recommendations. Our methodological approaches include quantitative and qualitative analyses and reviews of academic and grey literature.

Our mission

Our mission is to develop and advocate for improved evidence-based policy that addresses the barriers of disadvantage and increases access to opportunity for all.  

What we do

To inform and influence public policy, we: 

  • Analyse evidence and data to understand how our policies and systems are performing, who they are supporting well and who they are failing, and the extent to which international evidence and experience can contribute to how we can improve the current system. 
  • Stimulate public discussion and debate to increase policymakers’ and the public’s understanding of the key challenges we face, the benefits to society of fairer and more responsive policies and systems, and how these policies and systems can be improved through evidence-based approaches. 
  • Assist and advise policymakers in designing and implementing reform by translating complex data into clear policy ideas and by engaging directly with decision-makers, service providers, and service users to provide deep and well-rounded perspectives on the systems-level challenges that Australia is working to overcome.  

Who we are

Established in Melbourne in 2013, the Mitchell Institute is part of Victoria University (VU), one of Australia’s six dual-sector universities that offer university degrees as well as vocational education and training. Our close links with academics and institutes from across VU allow us to draw on cutting-edge research to inform our work. 

The Mitchell Institute is also home to, and works collaboratively with, the world leading Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES), and the impactful place-based Pathways in Place program.  

Supporters & collaborators

Our influential work is supported by Victoria University, generous philanthropic contributions, our project partners, funders, and commissioners.