Hugh Guthrie has over 30 years experience as a practitioner and researcher in the vocational education and training sector. He started his career as a university academic teaching biology at Flinders University and then in 1981 became the Research Officer in the Education Unit at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and where he was, for a time, Head of their Curriculum Development Group.
In 1987 he joined the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and worked there in a variety of positions until moving to Victoria University in late 2011.
During his time at NCVER he undertook and managed a range of significant research and development projects. He also ran the National VET Research and Evaluation (NVETRE) program.
He is a founding member of the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association and served as a member of its executive for a number of years. He received the Berwyn Clayton award for services to AVETRA in 2013. He has also been an executive member of HERDSA, AUSTAFE, AITD and VISTA.
His educational expertise includes:
- VET workforce development, including improving teaching and assessment skills
- VET provider capability
- educational pathways, especially those between VET and higher education
- international education and training, both on- and off-shore
- international partnerships
- access and equity issues
- apprenticeship and traineeship training
- educational leadership, especially of VET providers
- organisational strategic planning.
His principal research interests most recently have been VET teaching qualifications, the VET workforce and its professional development.
Recent publications
Clayton, B., Guthrie, H., Every, P. and Harding, R. (2015), Competency completion: impacts on assessment, assessors and workplace supervisors, Adelaide: National Centre for Vocational Education Research.
Guthrie, H., Smith, E., Burt, S. and Every, P. (2014), Review of the effects of funding approaches on Service Skills qualifications and delivery in Victoria, Melbourne: Service Skills Victoria.
Guthrie, H. and Every, P. (2013), VET teacher, trainer and assessor capabilities, qualifications and development: Issues and options, Melbourne: National Skills Standards Council.
Guthrie, H. & Dowling, N. (2012) Higher Apprenticeships: Scoping report to Higher Education and Skills Group, Melbourne: Higher Education and Skills Group
Guthrie, H., McNaughton, A. & Gamlin, T. (2011) Initial training for VET teachers: A portrait within a larger canvas. Adelaide: NCVER
Research grants
2013: NCVER: Competency completions: impact on assessors, assessment and workplace supervisors ($92,980).
2013: NSSC: VET teacher, trainer and assessor capabilities, qualifications and development: Issues and options ($40,000).
Professional memberships
- Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA)
Areas of expertise
- Instructional design
- International and offshore education and training
- Program evaluation
- Teaching learning and assessment
- VET workforce development
- Vocational education and training