Dr Tuan Ngoc Nguyen is an Honorary Fellow in the College of Arts, Business, Law, Education & IT. His previous role at VU was senior lecturer and coordinator of the Vietnamese language and studies program.
He has co-ordinated the LOTE methodology training courses for Vietnamese language teachers in Victoria (funded by the Department of Education through the Ethnic Schools Association of Victoria) for a number of years.
Under the penname Nguyen Hung Quoc, he has published 18 books on Vietnamese literature, language and culture. According to the North Carolina-based Wikivietlit, the encyclopedia for Vietnamese literature edited by Dan Duffy, a Yale-educated expert in Vietnamese studies, he is "considered by many writers and poets, in and out of Vietnam, as one of the most outstanding, reputable and influential Vietnamese critics alive."
Recent publications
Nguyen Hung Quoc (co-ed. with an introduction) (2015), Poems of Le Van Tai, Nguyen Ton Hiet & Phan Quynh Tram, Sydney: Vagabond Press.
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2013), Van hoc Vietnam tai Uc (Vietnamese Literature in Australia: Politics and Poetics of Diaspora), California: Nguoi Viet.
Nguyen Hung Quoc (edited with an introduction) (2013), Tho Le Van Tai (Le Van Tai’s poems), Gardena (USA): Van Moi.
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2012), Phuong phap day tieng Viet nhu mot ngon ngu thu hai (Methods of Teaching Vietnamese as a Second Language), Melbourne: Tien Ve
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2011), Phan tinh va phan bien (Self-Reflection and Counter-Argument), Gardena (USA): Van Moi.
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2010), Van hoc Viet Nam thoi toan cau hoa (Vietnamese Literature in an Age of Globalisation), Gardena: Van Moi.
Tuan Ngoc Nguyen (2008), Socialist Realism in Vietnamese Literature: An Analysis of the Relationship between Literature and Politics, Berlin: VDM Verlag Dr Muller
Conference presentations
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2013), “Globalisation and Vietnamese Literature”, an international conference at the Institute of Vietnamese Studies, California.
Nguyen Hung Quoc (2013), “Tu Luc Literary Group and the Process of Modernisation in Vietnamese Literature”, conference on the Tu Luc Van Doan literary movement in California, USA.
Nguyen Ngoc Tuan (2011), “The Politics of Canonization in Vietnamese Literature”, the 3rd ICKS International Forum on Canonicity and Otherness in Non-Western Culture, International Center for Korean Studies, Korea University.
Research grants
An Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project on New transnationalisms: Australia's multilingual literary heritage from 2013 to 2015, totalling $155,000 (shared with colleagues at the University of Wollongong and University of Sydney)
Appearances in the media
Dr Nguyen regularly publishes articles on Vietnamese culture and politics at his commissioned blog on the Voice of America’s Vietnamese Program website.
Areas of expertise
- Vietnamese language, literature and culture