Michael Hyde is an Honorary Fellow, in the arts. Prior to this he lectured in Professional Writing and Children’s Literature at Victoria University, Melbourne. His PhD examines the lived experience of the sixties in Australia. His recently published memoir, All Along the Watchtower (Vulgar Press) is his major work towards his PhD.
Michael is an established author of some 30 works of non-fiction and fiction, the latter mainly for adolescents and young adults, several receiving Australian Children’s Book Council awards. MAX, Tyger Tyger, Hey Joe and Surfing Goliath as well as his sports series, Change the Game are some of his best known and widely read works.
Before lecturing at Victoria University he was a teacher in working class secondary schools in Melbourne for 25 years. He recently received the Faculty of Arts Award for Teaching Excellence and the Vice-Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.
Michael has also begun another YA novel, Morrison and Mr Moore, about an unlikely friendship between a soon-to-retire school Principal and a rebellious 17 year old student.
Michael conducts writing workshops for students and teachers across Australia. He lives in Melbourne with Gabrielle and has four children. He loves the bush, the sea, Australian Rules football, and encouraging others to write.
Recent publications
Refereed journal articles
Hyde, M (2010), ‘Out of the boat’, Overland, 199 – Winter, pp.10-17.
Books - fiction
Hyde, M (2010), All Along the Watchtower, The Vulgar Press, North Carlton, Vic.
Hyde, M (2006), Surfing Goliath, Lothian Hachette, Sydney, NSW. (Reprinted September, 2006)
Hyde, M (2003), Hey Joe (YA Novel), The Vulgar Press, North Carlton, Vic. (CBC Notable Book, 2004.)
Hyde, M (2001), Tyger Tyger (YA Novel), The Vulgar Press.(ACYL Vic State Library Notable Book, 2004) (Reprinted 2004/2009)
Hyde, M (2000), MAX (YA Novel), The Vulgar Press, North Carlton, Vic. (Reprinted 2001/2004/2011)
Conference presentations
Hyde, M (2011), ‘Narratives from the Sixties:investigating their apparent absence and what they might offer’, AULLA Congress “Storytelling in Literature, Language and Culture”, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 7-9 February 2011, Auckland, New Zealand.
Hyde, M (2009), ‘Transition and Pedagogy’, Learning Matters Symposium, Victoria University, December, 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Teaching responsibilities
Teacher and unit coordinator:
- Creative Writing
- Children's Texts
- Professional Writing for Sport.
Postgraduate research students
Co-supervision: three Masters students.
Professional memberships
- Australasian Association of Writing Programs
Industry experience
- 25 years secondary teaching
- 4 years truck driving
- 10 years stopping Australian and US involvement in the Vietnam War.
Appearances in the media
Numerous interviews in the media re my novels.
Numerous reviews of all my major novels in general media, trade and academic journals.
Assisted in research and appeared as major identity in Smartstreet Films documentary on ASIO, Persons of Interest, shown at the Melbourne Film Festival and as four part series on SBS. This series was shortlisted for the 2013 Walkley awards.
Areas of expertise
- Creative writing
- Literature
- Mentoring emerging writers
- Professional development for secondary and primary teachers
- Professional writing
- Teaching writing