Horace is a Senior Lecturer with the College of Sport, Health and Engineering in the electrical engineering discipline involved in teaching and coordinating Telecommunication units at both undergraduate, postgraduate levels. He is also an active research member of Telecommunications, Electronics, Photonics and Sensors (TEPS) research centre.
Dr King graduated from RMIT University where he was involved in the research Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunication (CATT) doing research in Telecommunication and teaching of Engineering Design Units for the third and fourth year Engineering streams after which he worked at Swinburne and Monash.
Dr King specialises in Telecommunication technologies specifically in wireless communication of CDMA, LTE, Microwave and Satellite communication systems.
Refereed journal articles
Horace King, Urvashi Pal "A Statistical Approach to Determine Handover Success Using the Principle of Inclusion and Load Variation on Links in Wireless Networks", International Journal of Information, Communication Technology and Applications, Vol.2, No.1, pp143 – 151, December 2015
Hassan WHW, King H, Ahmed S, Faulkner M., "WLAN fairness with Idle sense", IEEE Communications Letters. 19(10) pp. 1794 - 1797 August 2015
Hassan WHW, King H, Ahmed S, Faulkner M., "Transmission Priority scheme with adaptive back off technique in Fibre wireless networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, April, 2015
Urvashi Pal and Horace King, "DVB-S2 Channel estimation and decoding in the presence of phase noise for non-linear channels", International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, 1(1), pp 112-127, March 2015
S. Sirmayanti, V. Bassoo, H. King and M. Faulkner, “Baseband tuning of Cartesian delta–sigma RF upconverters”, Electronic Letters, 50(8), pp 635 - 637, April 2014
Conference presentations
Saurav Dahal, Mike Faulkner, Horace King, Shabbir Ahmed, “27.1 GHz Millimetre wave propagation measurements for 5G Urban Macro Areas”, IEEE VTC, June 2017, Sydney, Australia
Urvashi Pal and Horace King, "Effect of UHD frame rates on DVB_S2 Bit error rate", SMPTE conference, Sydney, July 2015
Urvashi Pal and Horace King, "Bit Error rate Analysis of UHD HFR videos through different modulation schemes", IBC conference, May 2015
Urvashi Pal and Horace King, "Effect of modulation schemes on Ultra High Definition (UHD) Video transmission", WTS, NY USA, Mar 2015
W.H.W.Hassan, H.King, S.Ahmed and M. Faulkner, “Modified Backoff Technique with Priority transmission Scheme in Fiber-Wireless Networks,” in Proc. IEEE African Continent Conference (AFRICON 2013), Mauritius, Sept 2013.
View more of Dr King's publications in VU's Research Repository.
Teaching responsibilities
- Engineering in the community
- Engineering Design and innovation
- Telecommunication systems
- Electrical systems
Master of Engineering
Current supervision
- 6 PhD students (principal supervisor)
- 2 PhD students (second supervisor)
- 3 PhD
- 4 Masters
Professional memberships
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Professional Member, Engineers Australia
Industry experience
- Telstra
- Accenture
- Ericsson
Appearances in the media
- The Age
- The Conversation
Areas of expertise
- Biomedical engineering - wireless applications in ECG & other human monitoring systems & mechanisms
- Emerging digital telecommunication technologies, architectures and services (GSM, 3G-4G, Long Term Evolution (LTE), Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANETS), bluetooth, and satellite communications)
- Information and Coding Theory, Network Protocols; Secure Interoperation between 2G, 3G and 4G Mobile Radio Networks
- Network Design, Management and Optimisation; Propagation modeling
- Strategic Telecommunications Network Planning; Optic Fibre Networks, Wireless Networks, WiMAX and Satellite Communication SIM card Interface and Interoperability for general purpose in 3G & future 4G Technologies