Dr Jia (Jackie) Rong joined Victoria University as a lecturer of Information Technology in June 2015. Dr Rong obtained her Bachelor, Honours and PhD in Computer Science and Information Technology from Deakin University. Since 2007, she has taught more than twenty subjects at Deakin University, MIBT/Deakin College, Australian Technical and Management College (ATMC) and Central Queensland University.
Dr Rong’s research interests focus primarily on data mining, pattern recognition, complex data analysis, tree mining, multimedia data analysis, and technological applications to emotion recognition, Bioinformatics, SmartPhone Apps malware detection, customer preference and satisfaction study, behavioural analysis, tourism and hospitality management.
From 2009, Dr Rong served as a program committee member for over ten international conferences in the area of knowledge discovery, software engineering, database management, business information management, social eco-informatics and eTourism. She is an independent reviewer for seven high ranked international journals, including
- Tourism Management (Elsevier)
- International Journal of Hospitality Management (Elsevier)
- Information Sciences (Elsevier)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (Taylor & Francis).
Recent publications
Gang Li, Rob Law, Huy Quan Vu, Jia Rong, and Xinyuan Zhao. Identifying emerging hotel preference using emerging pattern mining technique. Tourism Management, 46:311–321, 2015
Veelasha Moonsamy, Jia Rong, and Shaowu Liu. Mining permission patterns for contrasting clean and malicious android applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, 36:122–132, 2014
Tianqing Zhu, Yongli Ren, Wanlei Zhou, Jia Rong, and Ping Xiong. An effective privacy preserving algorithm for neighborhood-based collaborative filtering. Future Generation Computer Systems, 36:142–155, 2014
Gang Li, Rob Law, Huy Quan Vu, and Jia Rong. Discovering hotel selection preferences of Hong Kong inbound travelers using Choquet integral. Tourism Management, 36:321–330, 2013
Shaowu Liu, Rob Law, Jia Rong, Gang Li, and John Hall. Analyzing changes in hotel customers’ expectations by trip mode. The International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34:359–371, 2012
Current supervision
Co-supervision of 1 PhD student
Professional memberships
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- International Federation for IT and Travel and Tourism (IFITT)
Areas of expertise
- Complex data analysis
- Data mining
- Pattern recognition
- Tourism & hospitality management
- Tree mining