Year | Citation |
2019 | Corbett, D. M., Sweeting, A. J., & Robertson, S. (190718). A change point approach to analysing the match activity profiles of team-sport athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(14), (1600-1608). |
2019 | Cust, E. E., Sweeting, A. J., Ball, K., & Robertson, S. (190304). Machine and deep learning for sport-specific movement recognition: a systematic review of model development and performance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37(5), (568-600). |
2017 | Sweeting, A. J., Aughey, R. J., Cormack, S. J., & Morgan, S. (171217). Discovering frequently recurring movement sequences in team-sport athlete spatiotemporal data. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(24), (2439-2445). |
2017 | Corbett, D. M., Sweeting, A. J., & Robertson, S. (171023). Weak relationships between stint duration, physical and skilled match performance in Australian football. Frontiers in Physiology, 8(OCT), |
2017 | Sweeting, A. J., Billaut, F., Varley, M. C., Rodriguez, R. F., Hopkins, W. G., & Aughey, R. J. (170210). Variations in hypoxia impairs muscle oxygenation and performance during simulated team-sport running. Frontiers in Physiology, 8(FEB), |
2017 | Sweeting, A. J., Cormack, S. J., Morgan, S., & Aughey, R. J. (170101). When is a sprint a sprint? A review of the analysis of team-sport athlete activity profile. Frontiers in Physiology, 8(JUN), |
2016 | Inness, M. WH., Billaut, F., Walker, E. J., Petersen, A. C., Sweeting, A. J., & Aughey, R. J. (161103). Heavy Resistance Training in Hypoxia Enhances 1RM Squat Performance. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 7 |
2016 | Walker, E. J., McAinch, A. J., Sweeting, A., & Aughey, R. J. (160201). Inertial sensors to estimate the energy expenditure of team-sport athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19(2), (177-181). |
Key details
Areas of expertise
- Sport analytics
- Athlete wearable technology
- Data mining & sport
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
About Alice Sweeting
Dr Alice Sweeting completed her PhD in 2016, with Victoria University, Netball Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport. Alice’s PhD focused on the use of radio-frequency tracking and data mining techniques to profile the movement patterns of elite and junior-elite netball athletes.
Since November 2016, Alice has been a Research Fellow with Victoria University and co-appointed with the Western Bulldogs Football Club. Alice currently co-supervises six postgraduate students who are completing their PhD projects on kicking detection, player tracking and analytics in AFL.
Alice’s own research area is primarily in using wearable sensors and sport analytics to profile athletic performance.
- PhD, Victoria University, Australia, 2017
- BAppSc (Hons), Victoria University, Australia, 2012
Key publications
Alice has over 30 publications, with a selection listed here.
A more comprehensive list of Alice's publications is available in the VU Research Repository.
Journal article (showing 8 of 23)
Research funding for the past 5 years
Please note:
- Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
- Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
- The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.
Development of a health and fitness monitoring system for racquet sports
From: Fusion Sport - Innovation Connections, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Other investigators: Prof Samuel Robertson
For period: 2019-2020
Not disclosed |
Supervision of research students at VU
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
Currently supervised research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
1 | PhD Integrated | Principal supervisor |
1 | PhD Integrated | Associate supervisor |
1 | PhD | Principal supervisor |
1 | PhD | Associate supervisor |
Currently supervised research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD Integrated (1) | Principal supervisor |
PhD Integrated (1) | Associate supervisor |
PhD (1) | Principal supervisor |
PhD (1) | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
5 | PhD | Associate supervisor |
1 | PhD by Publication | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD (5) | Associate supervisor |
PhD by Publication (1) | Associate supervisor |
Key academic roles
Dates | Role | Department / Organisation |
Nov 2016 - Present |
Research Fellow
Victoria University |
Dates | Role & Department/Organisation |
Nov 2016 -
Research Fellow
Victoria University |