Cindy is an Academic Teaching Scholar within the First Year College and started at Victoria University in June 2019.

Prior to that, Cindy was a lecturer at La Trobe University. She is currently a RN at the Alfred Hospital (Cardiology and Cardiothoracic).

She has a passion for teaching and learning. One of Cindy’s other passion’s is in simulation education.

Refereed journal articles

Hoang, C. (2019) Assessing and Describing a Chronic Wound. Elsevier Clinical Skills, Elsevier

Professional memberships

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

Industry experience

Alfred Hospital (Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Ward)


First Year College

Areas of expertise

  • Anatomy & physiology
  • Nursing
  • Simulation

Contact details

+61 (3) 9919 2950