Report & get support: inappropriate or threatening behaviour

Report a concern

If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any inappropriate or concerning behaviour, including sexual assault and/or sexual harassment you can report your concern online.

If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any inappropriate or concerning behaviour you can report it – either anonymously or with contact details.

Please do not hesitate to report an incident or concern, even if you think you don’t have enough information for Safer Community to action immediately.

This includes reports of any incident that has occurred off campus or online, if it affects you or the VU Community.

Emergency support

Please note Safer Community is not an emergency or crisis-response service.

If you require an immediate emergency response or after-hours assistance, call the following:

On campus: VU Security +61 3 9919 6666

Off campus: state emergency services, call 000

What happens to my report?

Fill in the form below to report your issue, and you will receive support and follow up as per the steps below.