Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Higher Education
  • Curriculum & pedagogy theory & development
  • Specialist Studies In Education Not Elsewhere Classified
  • Health policy
  • Psychology Not Elsewhere Classified

Available to supervise research students

Available for media queries

About Bert Oraison

Bert is a senior lecturer with the First Year College. Coordinating the First Year, Bert had an active role in developing and transforming materials for the Block Model.

Bert is a registered psychologist with experience in different settings, including government departments, prisons, refugee centres, rehabilitation centres and private practice.

As an Academic Teaching Researcher in the First Year College, Bert is involved in teaching all psychology units, as well as engaging in several research projects. 

Bert together with Dr Laurie Chapin received the VC Award for creating and developing the VU Kick Start Program. This program is the first in Australia that focuses on students who are the first in their family to attend university. 


  • PhD, Victoria University, Australia
  • Bachelor Of Psychology (Hns), Victoria University, Australia, Feb 2000 - Oct 2005
  • Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education, Victoria University, Australia
  • Certificate IV Liberal Arts, Victoria University, Australia
  • Certificate IV in Business Management

Key publications

Year Citation
2024 Oraison, H., & Wilson, B. (240101). The Relationship Between Nomophobia, Addiction, and Distraction. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science,

doi: 10.1007/s41347-024-00392-z

2021 Oraison, H. M., & Kennedy, G. A. (210101). The effect of social support in chronic back pain: number of treatment sessions and reported level of disability. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(11), (1526-1531).

doi: 10.1080/09638288.2019.1668969

2019 Oraison, H., Konjarski, L., & Howe, S. (190101). Does university prepare students for employment? Alignment between graduate attributes, accreditation requirements and industry employability criteria. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 10(1), (173-194).

doi: 10.21153/jtlge2019vol10no1art790

Research funding for the past 5 years

Funding details for this researcher are currently unavailable.

Supervision of research students at VU

Available to supervise research students

Available for media queries

Completed supervision of research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
1 PhD Integrated Associate supervisor

Completed supervision of research students at VU

Students & level Role
PhD Integrated (1) Associate supervisor

Key academic roles

Dates Role Department / Organisation
Nov 2017 - Present
Senior Lecturer , First Year College – Psychology
Victoria University
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Nov 2017 -
Senior Lecturer , First Year College – Psychology
Victoria University

Key industry, community & government roles

Dates Role Department/Organisation
Feb 2016 - Nov 2019
Aspire Health & Psychology – Newport
Jan 2017 - Nov 2019
Member of the Psychology Program Advisory Committee (PAC), School of Health and Biomedical Sciences,
RMIT University
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Feb 2016 - Nov 2019
Aspire Health & Psychology – Newport
Jan 2017 - Nov 2019
Member of the Psychology Program Advisory Committee (PAC), School of Health and Biomedical Sciences,
RMIT University

Keynote and invited speeches

Year Title/Description

Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs of the First Year Model

STARS Conference 2019, Melbourne, Australia


VU Kick Start: A pilot intervention for first-in-family university student

STARS Conference 2019, Melbourne, Australia


Everybody’s Business: A whole of Institution Approach to Transitions Pedagogy

Konjarski L, Oraison H, Weldon J, and McWilliams, A. HERDSA 2022, Melbourne - Australia, 27 Jun 2022-30 Jun 2022

Professional memberships

  • MAPS, Australian Physiological Society
  • Associate member, Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counselors
  • General member, Mental Health Professional Network