Year | Citation |
2019 | Nagle, C., McDonald, S., Morrow, J., Kruger, G., Cramer, R., Couch, S., Hartney, N., Bryce, J., Birks, M., & Heartfield, M. (190901). Informing the development midwifery standards for practice: A literature review for policy development. Midwifery, 76 (8-20). |
2018 | Kruger, G. B., & McCann, T. V. (181201). Challenges to midwives scope of practice in providing women's birthing care in an Australian hospital setting: A grounded theory study. Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 18 (37-42). |
2018 | Carolan-Olah, M., Kruger, G., Brown, V., Lawton, F., Mazzarino, M., & Vasilevski, V. (180301). Communicating out loud: Midwifery students' experiences of a simulation exercise for neonatal resuscitation. Nurse Education in Practice, 29 (8-14). |
2016 | Carolan-Olah, M., Kruger, G., Brown, V., Lawton, F., & Mazzarino, M. (160101). Development and evaluation of a simulation exercise to prepare midwifery students for neonatal resuscitation. Nurse Education Today, 36 (375-380). |
2015 | Carolan-Olah, M., Kruger, G., & Garvey-Graham, A. (150101). Midwives' experiences of the factors that facilitate normal birth among low risk women at a public hospital in Australia. Midwifery, 31(1), (112-121). |
2014 | Carolan-Olah, M., & Kruger, G. (140101). Final year students' learning experiences of the Bachelor of Midwifery course. Midwifery, 30(8), (956-961). |
2014 | Carolan-Olah, M., Kruger, G., Walter, R., & Mazzarino, M. (140101). Final year students' experiences of the Bachelor of Midwifery course. Midwifery, 30(5), (519-525). |
Key details
Areas of expertise
- Midwifery and supporting midwives to promote healthy childbearing
- Students experiences of Continuity of Care
- Entry to practice midwifery education
- Professional regulation of midwives
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
About Gina Kruger
Gina is an Associate Professor in Midwifery in the College of Sport, Health & Engineering. Her research program sits within the areas of supporting midwives in their scope of practice to promote healthy childbearing with women, and Continuity of Care experiences for students in entry-to-practice midwifery education programs.
Key achievements are:
- Leading collaborative research into midwives' scope of practice to facilitate the promotion of healthy childbearing with women.
- Leading national research into midwifery students’ participation in Continuity of Care of experiences with results used to inform shaping of minimum practice standards for midwives.
- Participating in the national collaborative research project for AHPRA and Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia to research, write and introduce the ‘Professional Standards for Midwives’ (NMBA, 2018).
- Several student projects around the role of the midwife to inform tertiary curricular design.
- Collaborative projects, with associated competitive funding resulting in practice change and publications in high-impact factor journals and non-traditional research outputs.
- Accredited supervisor with higher degree research student supervisory experience.
- PhD, Victoria University, Australia, 2014
- MN, RMIT University, Australia, 1999
- Grad Dip Clin. Prac & Magt (Adv. Mid), RMIT University, Australia, 1996
- Grad Cert Tert Ed, Victoria University, Australia, 2018
- Registered Midwife, Forth Valley College of Nursing & Midwifery, Scotland, 1991
Key publications
Conference paper (showing 1)
Year | Citation |
2017 | Nagle, C., Heartfield, M., McDonald, S., Morrow, J., Kruger, G., Bryce, J., Birks, M., Cramer, R., Stelfox, S., & Hartney, N. (171001). A necessary practice parameter: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Midwife standards for practice Paper presented at WOMEN AND BIRTH (pp. 10-11). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. |
Journal article (showing 7 of 17)
Research funding for the past 5 years
Funding details for this researcher are currently unavailable.
Supervision of research students at VU
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
Currently supervised research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
3 | PhD Integrated | Principal supervisor |
1 | PhD Integrated | Associate supervisor |
1 | PhD | Principal supervisor |
Currently supervised research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD Integrated (3) | Principal supervisor |
PhD Integrated (1) | Associate supervisor |
PhD (1) | Principal supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
1 | PhD | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD (1) | Associate supervisor |
Key academic roles
Dates | Role | Department / Organisation |
Feb 2020 - Present |
Deputy Chair Human Research Ethics Committee
Victoria University |
Jan 2020 - Present |
Course Chair - Bachelor of Midwifery/Bachelor of Nursing
Victoria University |
Dates | Role & Department/Organisation |
Feb 2020 -
Deputy Chair Human Research Ethics Committee
Victoria University |
Jan 2020 -
Course Chair - Bachelor of Midwifery/Bachelor of Nursing
Victoria University |
Professional memberships
- Member, Australian College of Midwives Incorporated
- Member, Australian College of Nursing