Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Health economics
  • Investment in adolescent health and wellbeing
  • Child marriage

Not available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

About Neelam Maharaj

Neelam Maharaj has been research analyst at the Victoria Institute (previously Centre) of Strategic Economic Studies at Victoria University since 2002.

She has participated in various health projects in recent years, particularly research on child marriage, and gender and interpersonal violence. She is co-author of two papers, one on investing in adolescent health (The Lancet 2013) and another on investing in interventions to reduce child marriage (Journal of Adolescent Health 2019). She is currently part of a team conducting research to estimate the costs of investment in adolescent health in Burundi (funded by UNICEF). She is also investigating the elimination of child marriage and intimate partner violence in the developing world as part of a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) effort for ending child early and enforced marriage by 2030 (funded by UNFPA).

Earlier, Neelam researched data for the project for the Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation (DSDBI) on Victorian exporters and export competitors (2013). She identified opportunities and drafted the section on vocational education in the report on China export opportunities for the Victorian Department of Business and Innovation (DBI; 2012). She was also co-author of the report to DBI on regional and sectoral dimensions of Victorian manufacturing (2011).

Previously, Neelam was Consultant to TradeData International (1997-2002), mainly coordinating and administering research projects and preparing reports analysing trade trends for clients. Before this she was Senior Analyst at IBIS Business Information (1989-2001) where she was responsible for analysing and monitoring up to 80 industries including: Textile Clothing and Footwear, Wood, Paper & Pulp, Printing & Publishing, Medical & Scientific Equipment Manufacturing, Appliances, Electric Equipment, Sign and Light Manufacturing and a variety of other manufacturing and wholesaling industries. From 1987 to 1989 she also worked as Senior Consultant to NIEIR and Senior Policy Coordinator at the Australian Chambers of Manufacturers.


  • BA (Hons), Bombay University, India, 1966
  • BA, La Trobe University, Australia, 1991

Key publications

Year Citation
2022 Rasmussen, B., Sheehan, P., Symons, J., Maharaj, N., Welsh, A., & Kumnick, M. (220630). Syria Education and Development Investment Case: Economic, Social and Psychological Costs and Risks Resulting from Not Investing in Education Systems in Syria. Melbourne, Australia: Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University.
2022 Sheehan, P., Rasmussen, B., Sweeny, K., Maharaj, N., & Symons, J. (220301). WHO Investment Case 2.0: Technical Report. Melbourne, Victoria: Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University.
2019 Rasmussen, B., Sheehan, P., Sweeny, K., Symons, J., & Maharaj, N. (190101). Adolescent Investment Case Burundi: Estimating the Impacts of Social Sector Investments for Adolescents. Bujumbura: UNICEF Burundi.
2018 Rasmussen, B., Sweeny, K., Welsh, A., & Maharaj, N. (180901). Our Health Our Wealth: The Impact of Ill Health on Retirement Savings in Australia. The McKell Institute.
2016 Rasmussen, B., Pyke, J., Maharaj, N., Pensabene, T., Parker, S., & Welsh, A. (160101). The Economic Benefits of Cultural Diversity. Melbourne: Victoria University, Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies.
2013 Rasmussen, B., Lang, J., Welsh, A., & Maharaj, N. (130101). A Quantitative Analysis of Victoria s Key Exporters and Export Competitor. Melbourne: Victoria Institute of Strategic Economic Studies.
2012 Rasmussen, B., English, A., Houghton, J., Lang, J., Maharaj, N., Sweeny, K., & Rasmussen, A. (120101). Chinese Export Opportunities for Victorian Companies. Melbourne: Centre for Strategic Economic Studies.

Year Citation
2021 Rasmussen, B., Maharaj, N., Karan, A., Symons, J., Selvaraj, S., Kumar, R., Kumnick, M., & Sheehan, P. (210101). Evaluating interventions to reduce child marriage in India. Journal of Global Health Reports, 5

doi: 10.29392/001c.23619

2019 Rasmussen, B., Maharaj, N., Sheehan, P., & Friedman, H. S. (190701). Evaluating the Employment Benefits of Education and Targeted Interventions to Reduce Child Marriage. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(1), (S16-S24).

doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.03.022

2017 Sheehan, P., Sweeny, K., Rasmussen, B., Wils, A., Friedman, H. S., Mahon, J., Patton, G. C., Sawyer, S. M., Howard, E., & Symons, J. (171014). Building the foundations for sustainable development: a case for global investment in the capabilities of adolescents. The Lancet, 390(10104), (1792-1806).

doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30872-3

Research funding for the past 5 years

Please note:

  • Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
  • Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
  • The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.

Development of an Investment Case for Adolescent Well-beingBid Reference L 2022-38 HQ-NMC-InvestAdolsecentFunding body – World Health Organization
From: World Health Organization
Other investigators: Dr John Symons, Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Prof Peter Sheehan, Dr Kim Sweeny
For period: 2022-2023
Not disclosed
MERCK SHARP & DOHME LLC (MSD)- VARIATION - Study: An Investment case on HPV Vaccination in Indonesia (MDA301023). (original contract VUR 20752 )
Other investigators: Dr Kim Sweeny
For period: 2022-2023
Not disclosed

Economic Analysis for WHO Investment Case 2.0
From: World Health Organization
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Dr John Symons, Ms Margarita Kumnick, Dr Kim Sweeny, Prof Peter Sheehan
For period: 2021-2021
Not disclosed

An Investment Case Study on HPV Vaccination in Vietnam
From: United Nations Population Fund
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Dr Kim Sweeny, Dr John Symons, Ms Alison Welsh
For period: 2020-2022
Not disclosed

Cost of Eliminating Child Marriage and Intimate Partner Violence
From: United Nations Population Fund
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Prof Peter Sheehan
For period: 2019-2019
Not disclosed

Cost Benefit Analysis of Health Interventions to Improve Labour Productivity
From: US Chamber of Commerce Grant
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Prof Peter Sheehan, Dr Kim Sweeny, Dr John Symons, Ms Alison Welsh, Ms Margarita Kumnick
For period: 2018-2020
Not disclosed
Investment Framework Case Study: Estimating the Impacts & Opportunity Costs of Social Sector Investments for Adolescents (10-19 years) in Burundi.
From: UNICEF-Bujumbura/Burundi
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Dr John Symons, Dr Kim Sweeny, Prof Peter Sheehan, Ms Alison Welsh, Ms Margarita Kumnick
For period: 2018-2019
Not disclosed
Establishment of Victorian Energy Policy Centre (VEPC)
From: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
Other investigators: Prof Bruce Rasmussen, Mr Bruce Mountain, Prof Peter Sheehan, Ms Alison Welsh, Dr Steven Percy, Dr Kelly Burns, Ms Stephanie Rizio
For period: 2018-2020

Supervision of research students at VU

Not available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

Key academic roles

Dates Role Department / Organisation
Jan 2002 - Present
Research Fellow, Victorian Institute of Strategic Economic Studies
Victoria University
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Jan 2002 -
Research Fellow, Victorian Institute of Strategic Economic Studies
Victoria University

Key industry, community & government roles

Dates Role Department/Organisation
Jan 1997 - Dec 2001
TradeData International Pty Ltc
Jan 1989 - Dec 2001
Senior Analyst
IBIS Business Information
Dates Role & Department/Organisation
Jan 1997 - Dec 2001
TradeData International Pty Ltc
Jan 1989 - Dec 2001
Senior Analyst
IBIS Business Information