Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition

The Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) celebrates exciting research conducted by PhD students worldwide. Developed by The University of Queensland, the annual competition is open to all Australian universities.

The competition challenges research students to present a compelling oration on their thesis in just three minutes, using language suitable for an intelligent, but non-specialist audience. Competitors are allowed one slide, but no other visual resources.

Benefits of participating

The range of benefits include:

  • development of your public speaking, communication and networking skills
  • generation of public and media interest in your research
  • increasing your ability to translate your research into everyday language
  • participation of research training workshops through the Graduate Research School
  • having fun and winning prizes.


Active PhD and Professional Doctorate (research) candidates who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone by the date of the first heat, including candidates whose thesis is under submission, are eligible to participate in 3MT competitions.

Graduates are not eligible.


  • A single static PowerPoint slide is permitted. No slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any description is allowed. The slide is to be presented from the beginning of the oration.
  • No additional electronic media (e.g. sound and video files).
  • No additional props (e.g. costumes, musical instruments, laboratory equipment).
  • Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum, competitors exceeding 3 minutes will be disqualified.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word, but no poems, raps or songs are allowed.
  • Presentations are to commence from the stage.
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced when a presenter starts their presentation through either movement or speech.
  • The decision of the adjudicating panel is final.

Judging criteria

At every level of the competition each competitor will be assessed on the judging criteria listed below. Each criterion is equally weighted and has an emphasis on audience.

Comprehension & content

  • Presentation provided clear motivation, background and significance to the research question
  • Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
  • Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research

Engagement & communication

  • The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience
  • The PowerPoint slide was well-defined and enhanced the presentation
  • The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience’s attention

How to enter

To register to participate, email  [email protected] by 15 July 2024.

Instructions on how to submit your entry and other important information will be provided via access to the 3MT VU Collaborate space.

Learn more about the competition

Previous winners