Policies & guidelines
Read the details of our mandatory research depositing policy.
Policy & procedures
Submissions to the Victoria University Research Repository (VURR, formerly known as VUIR) are governed by the Submission of Research Outputs of VU Staff and Students to the VU Institutional Repository (VUIR) policy and procedures.
The policy provides guidance for VU staff and students on the mandatory submission of research outputs, scholarly publications and theses to the Victoria University Research Repository.
Contribution to VURR of VU refereed research papers written by VU educational and research staff is mandatory.
Other material that represents publicly available research and scholarly output of the University can be submitted to the Research Repository provided it satisfies the requirements of the policy.
The following types of material will be accepted:
- refereed scholarly and research articles and literature, and contributions by current Victoria University staff and students at the post print stage (this is subject to the agreement of the publisher)
- Doctorate theses and Masters by Research degree theses by Victoria University students
- University related research material such as books, working papers, discussion papers, government submissions, reports and inaugural professional lectures.
The following material will not be accepted for submission:
- material which contains confidential information, or of which the promulgation would infringe a legal commitment by the University and/or the author
- unedited/unreviewed personal opinion outputs
- book reviews
- non-educational/not-scholarly outputs
- textbooks and teaching materials
- material to which granting unrestricted access would compromise ethical considerations, including those relating to cultural sensitivities
- theses, other than PhD and Masters by Research, except by special request of College leadership
- unrefereed draft papers or draft versions of papers released for discussion
- administrative documents and records, including those associated with research projects
- raw research data.
Any material that fails to comply with the guidelines for inclusion may not be accepted for submission or may be removed from the repository as necessary.
Copyright & published work
Read more about copyright and publishing for commercial use.
To report a copyright infringement, use the copyright take-down notice.