Our people
Find contact details for the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre (SZCC) staff.
Our team
Name & role | Contact details |
Nyadol Nyuon OAM Director | |
Eva Gjeka Executive Officer | |
Ahmad Shakib Shiwa Legal Projects Officer | |
Monica Deng Legal Projects Officer | |
Selcan Kurnali Community Program Coordinator |
Patron of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre
The Governor of Victoria, Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC has been the Patron of SZCC since November 2018.
The patronage recognises the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre’s contribution to the Victorian community through its work in law and cultural diversity.
It also acknowledges the success of the Centre's thought leadership regarding access to justice via technological innovation.
The Governor and her husband, Mr Anthony Howard QC, have long supported the work of the Centre, including:
- hosting the graduation of our Muslim Leaders Education Program at Government House
- presenting graduation certificates to the participants in our Chinese Legal Executive Education Program
- formally launching the Centre’s exhibition on Sir Zelman Cowen ‘A Life of Opportunity and Success’, which included an interview with the Governor where she reflects on Sir Zelman Cowen’s life and legacy.

Advisory board
Sir Zelman Cowen Centre members
Nyadol Nyuon OAM
Director, Sir Zelman Cowen Centre
External members
- Jill Hennessy
Prof the Hon. Vice Chancellor's Professional Fellow, Office of the VC & President at Monash University - Judge John Cain
State Coroner, County Court and Coroners Court of Victoria - Sascha Gelfand
Director, Deputy General, Legal Services, Victoria Police - The Hon. Marcia Neave AO
Former Chair, The Royal Commission into Family Violence (Victoria) - Robert Stary
Partner, Stary Norton Halphen Lawyers - Brind Zichy-Woinarski KC
King's Counsel at Victorian Bar
Adjunct Professors
- Professor Arie Freiberg AM
- Professor Pam O'Connor
- Mr Chris Roper AM
- The Hon. Michael Rozenes AO KC
- Rabbi Professor Daniel Sinclair
- Professor Simon Smith AM
- Dr Nik Norzrul Thani
- Professor Lisa Webley
- Professor David Weisbrot AM
- Professor Peter Zablud AM RFD
- Professor John Zeleznikow
- Professor Bruno Zeller
- Professor Kathy Laster
Adjunct Fellows
- Judith Bornstein
- Michael Bula
- Tasneem Chopra OAM
- Jennifer Ehmann
- Simon Goodrich
- William Lye OAM KC
- Dr Devaki Monani (Senior Research Fellow)
- Madeline Oldfield
- Dr Nadav Prawer
- Shannon Salter
- Adam Slonim
- David Thomson OAM
- Zione Walker-Nthenda