Osteopathy Clinic

Book an osteopathy appointment

Register for a face-to-face appointment with a student osteopath.

Our osteopathy clinic offers therapeutic assistance and advice for a range of conditions and needs.

Osteopathic consultations may be helpful for back and neck pain, ergonomic-related issues, sporting injuries and a range of other complaints.

Treatments available

Osteopathic treatments include:

  • soft tissue techniques
  • joint manipulation
  • joint mobilisation
  • exercise rehabilitation
  • general health care advice.

Consultation fees & times

Your initial consultation is 90 minutes, and the follow up consultation is 45 minutes.

  • Initial consultation: Free
  • Standard consultation fee: $31
  • Concession rate consultation fee: $21
  • VU Alumni rate consultation fee: $21

Concession rate applies to seniors, Health Care Card holders, police, fire, ambulance and emergency services personnel. Valid ID/Health Care Cards must be presented at time of consultation to obtain concession rates.

As we are a teaching clinic, we do not accept payments through WorkCover, private health insurance, TAC and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Free for students & staff

All osteopathy treatments are free for VU students and staff. Bring your student/staff ID card for your first visit, and we'll update our system so that you receive free ongoing treatments.

Our practitioners

Our senior students in the Master of Health Science (Osteopathy) provide treatment under supervision of qualified and registered osteopaths.

All students are undertaking their clinical practice and have completed extensive study of osteopathy in the classroom and laboratory.

Book an osteopathy appointment

Our consultations with student osteopaths can assist with ergonomics, general health advice, rehabilitation, referral and resources.

Sessions are run by the student practitioners from our Master of Osteopathy cohort and supervised by accredited osteopaths.

Book a face-to-face appointment online using our online form. You can also call or email the clinic.

Submit your details

Clinic forms

Before or during your appointment, we may need you to complete a client information form. There is no need to complete a form unless instructed to by the Clinic.


Level 19* (Clinic reception)
VU City Tower, City Campus
370 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne CBD 3000

Not all lifts in the building go to Level 19, make sure you choose the lifts labelled for floors 18-26. Once inside the lift, choose level 19.

This video on YouTube shows you how to get to the clinic reception from ground floor.