Leadership Program: Your Leadership Journey

A group of young people in semi-formal clothes laugh around tables while attending a workshop
Wednesday 26 March 2025, 12.30–4pm
370 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, AU
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This is the introductory workshop of the LEAD Program. 

The LEAD program is a free, interactive and engaging leadership training program for current students. It is designed to help you become a more effective leader, build important workplace skills and boost your employability through a combination of workshops, activities and online modules that you can complete over the course of your studies.

This workshop will start your journey of self-analysis and introduce various leadership concepts in a group discussion environment. You will learn about self-management, how to effectively plan to achieve goals and how to build your ability to lead yourself and others.

Come along and find out how to complete additional program elements to earn 60+ Leadership Points (LP) at any time before you graduate to have the LEAD program included on your VU Extra Transcript.

Register for 25 March

Register for 26 March