Volunteer – Iramoo Plant Nursery

small yellow native Australian flowers
6 March – 20 November 2025, 10am–3pm
University Boulevard, St Albans, VIC 3021, AU
View map below

Volunteer at Iramoo Plant Nursery to help grow wildflowers for the restoration of nearby remnant native grasslands, home to threatened species like the Striped Legless Lizard. 

The nursery is open every Thursday throughout the year. Volunteers can drop in any time between 10am and 3pm and stay for as long you would like.  

There is always heaps to do. Our main task is pricking out tiny seedlings and potting them up – a very meditative task.  There is plenty of weeding, gardening and nursery maintenance that happens as well.

Day/time: Thursdays, anytime 10am–3pm
Where: Building 1J, St Albans Campus
Contact: [email protected]