ESG conference highlights VU's commitment to UN sustainability agenda

As world leaders meet in Glasgow to accelerate climate change action at COP26, Victoria University (VU) has confirmed its own commitment to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 by hosting its second Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) for Sustainability Conference 2021.
ESG is an evaluation of an organisation’s outlook for social and environmental responsibility, and is an increasingly important part of investment decisions.
Hosted by the Victoria University Business School and VU’s Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities (with support of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia) the virtual conference on 29 October 2021 brought together thought-leaders and researchers from around the world to present ideas and solutions to address the UN's SDGs.
It highlighted the changing landscape in ESG management, its risks and opportunities, and the importance of research in the field.
Several VU researchers with ESG interests presented on a range of topics at the conference such as:
- superannuation industry investments
- access to modern energy
- government and sustainability in local government
- misconduct in Australian local governments
- risk disclosure and ‘green washing.’
Conference highlights VU's commitment to planetary health
VU Vice-Chancellor Professor Adam Shoemaker said the conference demonstrated VU’s determination to play its role in shaping healthier, smarter and more sustainable communities locally and globally.
The challenges we face are immense. This conference is one example of Victoria University’s commitment to supporting the sustainability principles and goals of the UN Sustainability Agenda for 2030. We have a responsibility, in all that we do – our research, our teaching, on our campuses and in our communities – to improve the health of the planet that we share.
Conference keynote speakers were:
- Toby Kent, Board member of the Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia
- Professor Janek Ratnatunga, CEO of the Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia
- Nicholas Harford, Director of Equilibrium, a sustainability consulting and management company
- Dr Scott Rawlings, Director of Science and Reporting at the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria
- Maree Lang, Managing Director at Greater Western Water.
View the conference program (PDF, 395.76 KB).