Network established to help end gendered violence at work

In partnership with WorkSafe Victoria, Victoria University’s Sir Zelman Cowen Centre (SZCC) will establish a network of workplaces to better prevent and respond to gendered violence at work.
Funded by the Victorian Government, WorkSafe’s WorkWell Respect Network will bring workplaces together through events and learning opportunities.
Work-related gendered violence includes any behaviour that affects the health and safety of someone because of their gender, sexual orientation, or because they don’t conform to gender stereotypes.
It can include sexual harassment, stalking, verbal abuse, unwelcome comments or gestures, and threats or physical violence. It can involve colleagues, supervisors, clients, and customers.
Program managers Annie Wohlgehagen and Rubina Habib from the SZCC said the Network will provide adaptable resources and a safe learning space for around 300 participants from high-risk industries (finance, insurance, information and communication technology, hospitality and operations).
“The team at SZCC are aware of the intersecting factors that can exacerbate gendered violence at work, and we have expertise around it,” Ms Habib said.
We work with diverse communities and are well-equipped in facilitating and designing sustainable capacity-building approaches for safe workplaces free from gendered violence.
The WorkWell Respect Network responds directly to a recommendation of the Ministerial Taskforce on Workplace Sexual Harassment. The report suggested expanding WorkWell to include dedicated actions to prevent work-related gendered violence and workplace sexual harassment.
“Everyone should feel safe and respected in their workplace, regardless of their gender. That’s non-negotiable,” Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC, Danny Pearson said.
We’re helping industries tailor new approaches to prevent and respond to work-related gendered violence, through improved policies, training and resources that create safe environments for all Victorian workers.
In addition to the WorkWell Respect Network, WorkWell is also supporting evidence-based programs aiming to create industry-wide change. Initiatives will be developed and run by Gippsland Women’s Health, the Health and Community Services Union, Your Community Health and Women’s Health in the South East and will be delivered across a range of industries and sectors.
Contact us
Sir Zelman Cowen Centre
[email protected]