Protecting Country – VU Extra

Tuesday 17 May 2022

In this VU Extra Transcript Program, you will engage in Aboriginal landscape and ceremony, workshops, research and reflective writing, and discussion to gain an understanding of Country, Traditional Owners of Country in relation to University campuses, and the diversity of Aboriginal people in Victoria.

Program overview

The program begins with a walk on campus and Aboriginal ceremony.

Participants will be asked to undertake their own research throughout the course of the program.

Over the course of this program you will:

  • visit external University sites (eg. Bunjilaka @ Melbourne Museum)
  • attend art galleries
  • participate in community events (eg. Reconciliation Week)
  • read relevant articles and/or reports
  • attend workshops on campus, to discuss personal research, writing and reflections.


To participate in Protecting Country, you must be a student enrolled in a course of study at Victoria University.

You will need to complete a minimum of 20 hours of work in the program.

VU staff are also welcome to volunteer.


Tanaya Lyons
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9919 5681

An outline for the program can be provided on request.

Contact us

Tanaya Lyons

[email protected]