VU launches Research Reveal podcasts

From helium to registered nurses, there is a global shortage of many things, but podcasts is not one of them. We talked to the host of Research Reveal to find out why we should tune in to VU's newly launched podcast.
A recent Roy Morgan poll stated that more than 1.6 million Australians download an audio or video podcast every month - and those figures are growing.
So why should Victoria University attempt to stake out a patch in such a crowded space? As a senior lecturer in screen media, VU’s podcast host Dr Marc C-Scott believes research is a field rich in potential for the medium.
“It was important that Research Reveal centred on good storytelling, but also highlighted the incredible work happening within our University. I think some people perceive research as something that is only part of academia and universities. Academics conduct the research, then publish the findings in journal articles, which can be dry to read.
"The intention is to create podcasts that make you feel as if you are listening to a conversation between academics, which introduces or expands your interest and knowledge in the topic being discussed.”
After months of planning and hard work and with the help of a supportive team, Research Reveal was launched on September 13, 2019. The first episode, Aussie Rules Football: Its early history, controversies and scandals features historian Professor Robert Pascoe, and neatly tied in with the AFL Grand Final. Episode two features Professor Alexandra Parker on Physical activity as an Intervention to ease depression in young Australians.
Engaging, insightful, and relatable, both episodes have been well received, with downloads from as far away as the United States. Dr C-Scott says:
“I think there is something compelling about listening to researchers discuss their work and how it impacts the broader community. Research Reveal gives audiences access to the researcher — you can hear the enthusiasm in their voices; that’s something you don’t get from the written form.”
Details remain under wraps, but listeners can expect a new episode soon. “We can’t say much, but we’re very excited about the future episodes. We’ve been delighted with the response to Research Reveal so far. We want people to share in these fantastic stories, listen to them while driving, walking, running or just relaxing at home. Research Reveal is like having a good conversation – everyone walks away feeling like they’ve learnt something new.”
Follow Dr Marc C-Scott on Twitter @marc_cscott.