Staff & student representatives elected to VU Council 

Victoria University (VU) has recently welcomed two new elected representatives to its Council, Professor Alex Parker and Sunny Gomboso. 
Wednesday 3 July 2024

VU Council is the governing body of VU, it oversees and is accountable for the University’s operations, including its strategy, budget, and the management of risk.   

Elected by staff and students, the new representatives will officially begin their terms on 1 January 2025.  

Professor Alex Parker  

Professor Alex Parker is Executive Director of VU’s Institute for Health and Sport, a professor of physical activity and mental health and sponsor for LGBTQIA+ inclusion at VU.  

Leading a multidisciplinary research group that aims to measure, understand, and promote physical activity to optimise mental wellbeing and prevent and treat mental illness, Professor Parker brings a lifelong passion for well-being and a positive and strong voice to council.  

“Whether it's research to address health inequities and sustainability, Protecting Country, or providing the environment for students to learn and engage in different ways – the diversity of our staff proudly reflects the diversity of our students,” Professor Parker said.  

When representing you on Council, I'll focus on enhancing workplace culture, financial stability and VU's reputation as a unique and outstanding university.

Sunny Gomboso  

Sunny Gomboso is completing a Bachelor of Psychological Studies/ Bachelor of Business at VU. 

Sunny is committed to promoting the University's mission to be a global leader in dual-sector learning and research by 2028. He plans to advocate for policies in three areas of focus: creating more opportunities for students to socialise on campus, maintenance schedules of facilities, and student staff communications.  

“I propose organising an even greater variety of social and community activities throughout the academic calendar, catering to diverse interests and backgrounds,” Sunny said.  

I will advocate for proactive measures and responsive handling of maintenance requests. I’ll work to promote transparency in communications by implementing clear guidelines for providing feedback to students on their assignments, and improvements to provide students with awareness of and greater access to features and facilities already offered by the university.

Learn more about VU Council.