Stella's story... so far

The jetlag may have worn off, but the excitement remains for Victoria University (VU) student Stella Rose Ley.
With the support of VU's First Nations Fund and VU Sport, the 24-year-old has recently returned from the 2024 FISU (International University Sports Federation) World Forum, a weeklong international sports engagement event in Zagreb, Croatia.
"It was an incredible experience. I went to a range of forums that gave me insights into how university sports work in other countries. I also met people from around fifty nations who work in similar fields. It was great to see how sport diplomacy can bring people together.
" she said.
"The forum encouraged me to express my views and take part in shaping worldwide agendas and policies within FISU, UniSport and Victoria University.
Stella started her Bachelor of Science, double majoring in Biotechnology/ Ecology and Environmental Management in 2019. She graduated in 2022 and has previously worked as a Project Support Officer at the Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).
Now studying for a Master of International Community Development, Stella's enthusiasm for working with and for community can be traced back to her childhood. Stella comes from the Wunambal-Gaambera tribe and grew up on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people. Her East Timorese heritage also plays a big part in her identity, connecting her to Timor Leste's rich culture and traditions.
"I'm passionate about working with the community. I've wanted to do this since I was about 11 years old – back then I used to say I wanted to work for the United Nations! I've always wanted to find a way to collaborate with others to create a better future for all.
While Stella tackles her studies head-on, there is another activity that keeps her busy: footy. Stella started playing when she was little. "As a kid, I played footy with boys, but they'd just pass it to each other. It's great to see how AFLW has changed and influenced attitudes. Today, footy is a much more inclusive sport, which is great.
Since 2020, Stella has volunteered in several roles at VU Sport, including Team Manager (AFL9s, Beach Volleyball, Netball, Football), Uni Nationals Team Captain, UniSport Student Advisory Committee, FISU Australian Student Ambassador, Student Representative and participant at UniSport.
Julz Nannetti, VU Sport Coordinator, has worked closely with Stella and supported her application to attend the recent conference in Zagreb, Croatia. "Stella's an outstanding example of a student who makes herself heard. Her work as a representative at the UniSport AGM and ambassador for FISU are just two examples of her dedication and commitment to making university sports a rewarding experience for local and international students," Julz said.
Sports continue to play a massive part in Stella's busy life, providing structure and discipline. "I'm always encouraging students to participate in sports because I gain so much from it. It's fantastic for my mental health, offers great social interaction, and I enjoy the thrill of competition, especially from previously playing at a semi-professional level."
Right now, Stella is focused on pre-season training. "I'm back to regular runs, hitting the gym, and ensuring my body is in the right shape to be ready for next season."
Since July 2023, Stella has been working part-time at VU Student Services, assisting students with various needs, such as enrolments, managing timetables, navigating VU collaboration tools, and accessing essential academic resources. Staying focused and organised in this role helps Stella stay on track both professionally and personally.
"I always try to put in 110%, but sometimes I lose focus. When that happens, my self-motivation keeps me going, and I lean on my great support network to help me stay focused and get back on track,
" she said.
When Stella is at the Footscray Park Campus, she always makes time to visit VU's Indigenous Academic Unit, Moondani Balluk. "I stop by whenever I can. KJ (Karen Jackson), the Director, and Marcus Brooke, the Aboriginal Student Support Coordinator, have been incredibly supportive of everything I've done."
Shortly after returning from Croatia, Stella realised she had caught the travel bug. "I'm eager to travel overseas again. I want to explore new cultures, connect with local communities, and gain a deeper understanding of the world."