VU Library adapts quickly to new environment

VU Library remains open online, and digital services and resources that support learning, teaching and research continue to be available.
“Blocking and curriculum redesign have really put VU in a better position than it’s ever been,” says Associate University Librarian Frances O’Neil.
“As well, VU Library has created a range of online learning support resources. We’ve always had a strong online delivery dimension, so this isn’t really anything new for us,” she said.
Over time, VU Library has moved a range of services to virtual delivery. This has enabled it to continue essential support services (such as ) to students and staff as VU transitions to online teaching, learning and research.
Study spaces available
For students who don't have access to technology off campus, or have nowhere suitable to study, certain unstaffed student study spaces at City Flinders, Werribee, and Footscray Park campuses are available with computers, printing and internet. Information about these spaces is available in our coronavirus FAQs for current students.
Students are expected to adhere to social distancing principles at all times if using these spaces.
Demand for chat support stays steady
The Library’s live chat service is available seven days a week, and students are regularly seeking advice from library staff.
“Students are proving they are amenable to moving online – these first few days have gone quite well.”
“We’ve been monitoring the service, but so far there hasn’t been too much more than regular demand.”
Students are asking the usual range of questions, such as how to use an e-book or where to find the right resources.
“Much of our information is supported by existing online resources that we refer students to after their initial inquiry because our aim is to make them independent learners.”
Support that library staff usually deliver face-to-face, such as how to use specialised college-specific databases, is now being offered through live Webex webinars and recorded for later reference.
VU Library remains open online and is well prepared and practised at supporting the VU community in this way.