VUBS HDR Symposium 2022 - Resilience and Impact in Research: Dealing with Disruptions

Victoria University Business School (VUBS) successfully concluded the HDR Symposium 2022 on the 4th of November, with the theme “Resilience and Impact in Research: Dealing with Disruptions".
Monday 28 November 2022

Victoria University Business School (VUBS) successfully concluded the HDR Symposium 2022 on 4th November 2022. This year’s symposium was conducted on the theme “Resilience and Impact in Research: Dealing with Disruptions”. This was the first such event that took place face to face after almost 3 years.

The co-convenors of the symposium Dr Ranjith Ihalanayake and Dr Thu Huong Nguyen noted that the HDR Symposium was a great success. The conference hosted three guest speakers: Professor Stephan Gray, Associate Professor Randall Robinson and Professor Annona Armstrong.

23 VUBS graduate students presented their research in six concurrent sessions. The presentations covered a diverse range of disciplines in business. The topics were very creative and offered greater insights into the areas they were researching. Topics ranged from workplace cultural diversity, to dental tourism, from social enterprises in Victoria to external debt in South Asia, from blockchain technology in the energy sector to machine learning and deep learning in security systems in vehicles.

Given that the graduate research process can be an isolating experience — made worse during the pandemic — this year’s VUBS HDR Conference was a concerted effort to bring all stakeholders in graduate research together in one forum, face to face.

The symposium was jointly sponsored by ISILC, VUBS and VUPA. 

Convenors would like to express their appreciation at the support extended by Professor Stephen Gray, Executive Director of the ISILC, Associate Professor Randall Robinson, Deputy Director of the ISILC, Associate Professor Romana Garma, Head of Victoria University School of Business.

We also thank our keynote speakers, VU Research & Dean Anne Marie Hede, Research Ambassador - Linda  Diep, all academic staff members, all presenters, all attendees, student organising committee members, VUBS admin support team and VUPA, VU Research Admin team.

Contact us

Dr Ranjith Ihalanayake

Senior Lecturer, Victoria University Business School

[email protected]

Dr Thu-Huong Nguyen

Lecturer, Victoria University Business School

[email protected]