Changing unis: Why Rawan made the move to Victoria University

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Choosing the right university for you can make the world of difference to your study experience – and ultimately, what you get out of your course.

From the location and campus vibe, through to the course structure, teaching style, practical learning opportunities and industry connections, there are lots of different things that can influence whether a uni is the best fit for you.

For Rawan Badawi, switching to Victoria University (VU) opened her up to a new way of studying, and set her on a path to her dream career as a lawyer. She tells us more about her experience.

Law graduate Rawan Badawi

Rawan's journey at VU

“Before I came to VU, I had started studying international relations at another university,” Rawan explains.

“My goal was always to transfer to law after a year. However, trying to complete four subjects simultaneously was super stressful, especially with the added two-hour commute to university every day.”

Flexible study, one subject at a time

When she discovered that VU’s Bachelor of Laws runs from the VU City Tower, right in the heart of Melbourne’s legal district, Rawan was intrigued.

Even better, she loved the idea of the VU Block Model® – studying one subject at a time, in collaborative classes rather than big lectures, with more flexibility to balance work, study and life. She made the move to VU, and quickly found this unique learning model was a much better match for her. 

“With the VU Block Model, you focus on one subject at a time, every four weeks,” Rawan says. “It means I can put all my attention on that one subject without feeling like I’m neglecting any other subject, or having all my exams and assessments all at once. It helped me stay focused and kept the stress off my shoulders. It also allowed me to work while keeping on top of my studies so I could support myself during uni.”

"I also felt I could absorb all the information I was taught in that four week period as opposed to attempting to recall information I was taught in week two of a fourteen week semester, while also juggling other subjects. I also enjoyed the fact that I could pick up winter and summer blocks, which allowed me to graduate earlier than expected.”

Practical experience that opens doors

Another reason Rawan chose VU was the strong focus on practical learning and industry experience.

“My internship at WEstjustice Sunshine Legal Centre was a 150-hour placement, which counted towards my degree,” she says. "I got exposure to things like client phone calls and bail hearings, drafting documents, becoming familiar with briefs and clients, and professional work culture."

“Friends at other unis were worried about entering the workforce, not knowing how to apply their degree. But I felt more confident; I knew employers look really favourably on this type of firsthand experience.”

"My legal placement was incredibly informative, and allowed me to see what I can expect from legal practice and how working in the criminal justice system would be. It allowed me to sit in on client meetings, court hearings and conferences between Defence and Prosecution. I believe my time at WEstjustice helped to prepare not only for the part of court appearances and advocacy, but it also prepared me for the vast and complex nature of the clients that we come into contact with on a day to day basis."

"In addition to preparing me for my career, having a legal placement at a Community Legal Centre (CLC) gave me an extra edge when I began interviewing for Graduate Lawyer positions. I was worried that since I hadn’t completed a clerkship or an associateship, that I would find it difficult to get a job, but I found that the CLC jobs I was applying for valued that I had completed my placement at another CLC."

“I also looked into the different international partnerships and programs different unis had on offer when I was making my decision to switch, as I was hoping to do a semester abroad. Through VU, I was able to do a semester abroad in the United Kingdom. This allowed me to explore whether I would like to practice law in the UK and get a first hand look at their legal system, and be immersed in the culture.”

Launching a law career with purpose

After finishing her Bachelor of Laws, Rawan completed her Practical Legal Training (PLT) and was admitted as a legal practitioner in October 2022.

She launched her career with a graduate solicitor role at the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women, a community legal centre that supports women who are in or at risk of entering the criminal justice system. After close to 2 years, Rawan took on an exciting new role as a lawyer at Victoria Legal Aid, another one of VU's industry partners. 

"The main thing that has stood out during my time at both Victoria Legal Aid and the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women is the level of client care and advocacy both organisations have for their clients. It was incredibly inspiring seeing the hard work that goes into supporting our clients to achieve the best possible result for their criminal matters. It was also amazing to see the compassion and sensitivity that each member of staff had towards the clients, which I could see helped to ease their minds in an otherwise stressful time in their lives.”  

I was drawn to both these organisations as they assist those who are vulnerable and require support, and that’s been an area that I have always been passionate in. I was incredibly passionate about helping vulnerable women in the criminal justice system when I began working at the Law and Advocacy Centre for Women, and this passion grew even more once I began working at Victoria Legal Aid, as I am now able to help all kinds of people with their legal matters.

“I connect with the type of work that these organisations do, mainly being a woman of colour and facing many adversities on my journey to where I am now, but also as someone who was born in another country where many women, men and children were placed in the criminal justice system without the same support available to them that the services here are able to provide.”

Transitioning seamlessly from study to work 

Going from studying a course to actually working in the industry can take some adjustment, but placements and work experience at VU help set students like Rawan up for success.

"When I first started practicing as a lawyer, I had only ever previously worked retail jobs – barring my legal placement – and had not had an ongoing office job before this. It took some getting use to in terms of client interactions and court advocacy as I had mainly observed those in my placement, but I felt my time at WEstjustice had prepared me for some of what was to come, and the rest came with time and practice.”  

“I looked into the different international partnerships and programs different unis had on offfer when I was making my decision to switch unis, as I was hoping to do a semester abroad. Through VU, I was able to do a semester abroad at Leeds Beckett University in the United Kingdom. This allowed me to explore whether I would like to practice law in the UK and get a first hand look at their legal system, and be immersed in the culture.”

Rawan's advice for future students

If you're looking to study while balancing other commitments in your life, VU might be the place for you. 

"I would highly recommend the switch to VU,as it helped me to complete an otherwise complex and difficult degree whilst also balancing other aspects of my life. I was able to get first hand experience in the sector I was wanting to work in, and I got to travel whilst doing so. My time at VU not only prepared me for my current role as a Criminal Defence Lawyer, but I was also able to travel and get real life insight into other countries and their legal system.”


Find your course at VU

Kickstart your future with a hands-on, industry-focused course at VU. You will:

  • study one subject at a time with the VU Block Model
  • learn in small classes where you can collaborate and get one-on-one feedback
  • build practical skills, learning from industry experts
  • gain industry experience through placements, projects and seminars with our huge network of partners.

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