Now is a great time to be a speech pathologist – here's why
‘Communication is the essence of human life’ – seems like a bit of an overstatement? People with communication disabilities would disagree.
When speech is difficult, quality of life is drastically affected. Statistics tell us that those with communication challenges are more likely to experience mental illness, learning difficulties, behavioural disorders, social isolation and unemployment.
However, the good news is that therapy with a speech pathologist can usually offer great improvements. And if you see yourself in this career, there’s never been a better time to get started.

A diverse & in-demand career
Business for speech pathologists is currently strong due to greater awareness of their services and easier access to funding, says Renato Ulpiano, VU Doctor of Business Administration student and co-founder of Ladybug House, a paediatric clinic for children with special needs.
“GPs are becoming more active in assessing early child development delays and are organising referrals to paediatricians earlier. And the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is also driving the growth of speech pathology. Over $18 billion per year is now available for disability services – double what was available before the scheme started.”
While supporting people with a communication disability is a large part of a speech pathologist’s job, there is also work in more diverse settings. “Speech pathology is a humble health profession with a big impact,” says Renato. “The differences speech pathologists make extend beyond articulation issues into auditory processing disorders and even Autism Spectrum Disorders.” Professionals who rely on good vocal projection – such as auctioneers, teachers, actors and singers – also seek coaching from speech pathologists in how to use their voices safely.
“I thought speech pathologists only focused on language difficulties, but was pleased to learn they also teach the reading of facial expressions and ‘unspoken’ rules of communication,” says Melbourne mother, Nerida Benoit, whose four-year-old son has just started therapy. “What I wasn’t prepared for was the huge waitlists for speech therapy. It was incredibly difficult to find a clinic with availability. Many had a six-month wait time.”
“Demand for speech pathologists has never been stronger,” Renato confirms. “But it’s such a rewarding career. Progression is dynamic and varied – from working in a children's hospital to private practice or overseas in the non-profit sector. Ask yourself – what would your life be without communication? Then think about the difference you could make to others.”

Ready to launch your speech pathology career?
We've just opened a new course at Victoria University that will qualify you to work in this thriving industry.
Our Bachelor of Speech and Language Sciences/Master of Speech Pathology can help you turn your passion for social equity and health science into an exciting profession.
This Australian-first dual degree taught in the VU Block Model® will prepare you to support those with communication and speech or swallowing challenges.
With plenty of opportunities for practical learning throughout your degree, you’ll be prepared for work across diverse settings. The course combines the practical and theoretical study of communication and swallowing disorders with human development, biomedical sciences, human rights and principles of social justice to enable you to graduate as a well-rounded practitioner.
If you are a current Year 12 student, you can apply for this course now through VTAC.