Uni lingo busted: A VCE student’s guide to understanding tertiary terminology

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ATAR, VTAC, HECS... if you’re a VCE student, you’re probably starting to hear some of these unfamiliar words more frequently. 

Getting your acronyms tangled up FR and feeling like your comprehension isn't the GOAT? We hear you – that's why we've put this quick guide together. 

👇 Scroll down, embrace SACs and SATs and SWOTVACs alike – and bookmark this page for when you'll need it again! 👇 

Your study dictionary rundown


Admission criteria: Admission criteria are the minimum academic and course entry requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for admission into your chosen course. For example, these may include achieving a certain study score in prerequisite VCE subjects, a particular ATAR or selection task (for example, CASPer test or audition).

ATAR: Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank. This is a rank that you will receive based on your Year 12 subject scores. It is based on a maximum score of 99.95 and, along with adjustment factors, can be used to form part of the selection rank which is used to determine your entry to a course.

CASPer test: An online, scenario-based test used to assess your personal and professional traits. It’s often required for teaching and some health courses, and only run at certain times of the year.

Certificate: Certificate courses are undertaken at TAFE and Higher Education level and can teach you basic skills in a range of fields, as well as trades and post-trade skills.

Conceded pass: A near-pass grade that may still count towards your course completion, given when you narrowly miss the pass mark but still meet certain conditions. It’s only awarded under specific conditions but may let you progress in your course without redoing the unit.

CUA: Course and Unit Advisor. CUAs provide expert advice and support to students about unit selection, timetabling, progression and results, and are available to book in with for help.

Diploma: Diplomas are also offered at TAFE level and offer the knowledge and skills to begin work in a range of professions, or continue on to further study at university.

eCAF: Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form. This lets you apply for HECS-HELP and other government support. You’ll complete it online – check out our how-to guide.

GPA: Grade Point Average. This is the average result of all grades achieved by a student during a course of study at a tertiary level. VU uses a 7 point GPA score for higher education students.

HECS-HELP: This is a government-funded student loan program in which the government subsidises the cost of your uni fees. You'll begin repaying your student contribution component (a loan) once you are in paid employment, earning over a certain amount.

Higher Education Diplomas: Diplomas that aren’t TAFE. These one-year courses are designed to prepare you for university study or help you transition into the second year of a bachelor degree. It’s a great pathway if you didn’t meet the direct entry requirements.

InPlace: VU’s online system for managing work placements. It’s used in courses with practical components like nursing, education or social work.


LANTITE test: Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education. A national test required for teaching students.

Majors: In some courses, you will be required to select a particular subject matter that you are most interested in and would like to focus your study on. This is known as a major.

My eQuals: a platform which provides long-term access to digital copies of your official graduation documents from VU.

MyVU: Your central hub for all things student-related. Log in to access enrolments, results, fees, and more.

Pathway: Pathway is used to refer to the process of transitioning between approved courses at TAFE, undergraduate and postgraduate level. As a dual-sector institution, VU offers an extensive pathways program.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites are particular VCE subjects that need to be completed before you can be considered for entry to certain courses. For example, to study biomedicine, you may need to have studied VCE biology, chemistry, maths or physics and usually achieve a specific study score.

Sanction: A restriction placed on your enrolment, often due to unpaid fees or overdue items. You’ll need to resolve it to view your results or receive your academic transcript.

Selection rank: A selection rank is course specific and is produced as a sum of an applicant’s ATAR and any upward adjustment factors. Adjustment factors vary between courses and may include achievement in interviews, folio presentations, auditions, tests, performance in prerequisite Year 12 subjects, special consideration and/or some bonuses e.g. VU Early Entry or Elite Athletes.

Special consideration: If your studies are impacted by things like illness or family emergencies, you can apply for special consideration. This might give you extra time or an alternative assessment.

Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS): this covers access and entry programs offered by VU and other institutions. There are four categories: personal information and location; disadvantaged financial background; disability or medical condition; and difficult circumstances.

Statement of attainment: An official record showing you’ve completed part of a course or a short program. It’s useful for employment or further study.

STAT test: Special Tertiary Admission test. Some unis use this to assess aptitude and deem whether non-school leavers can enter a tertiary course. However, we don’t – at VU, we believe in access to education for all. Learn how to apply direct now

Student ID card: Your VU-issued photo ID used on campus. These are now digital and available in the VU App for easy access. It provides building access, student discounts and more.

Study period: A study period refers to a specific block or term when your classes take place. At VU, this could be one of our four-week blocks under the VU Block Model.

Supplementary: An additional exam or assessment you may be offered if you just miss a pass. It gives you a second chance to complete a unit.

SWOTVAC:  Study Without Teaching Vacation. This is your study week before exams – it’s a time to revise and prepare.


Timetable: Your weekly schedule of classes, workshops and labs. You can view and manage it online.

Transcript: A formal record of your academic history. It lists your subjects, grades, and qualifications.

Tutorial: Tutorials or tutes are small classes that are less formal than lectures. They are used to discuss the course work and readings in detail. At VU, you’ll learn under the VU Block Model – which means all classes are small groups with 1:1 support, rather than lectures.

Undergraduate: Undergraduate refers to the level of study you undertake at a university following high school. At uni, an undergraduate course is called a bachelor degree. After you complete an undergraduate bachelor degree course, you can then apply for an honours program or further postgraduate study.

Units and credit points: Each uni course is awarded based on the achievement of a certain amount of credit points. Each unit of study contributes an amount of credit points towards your degree. When the required amount of units have been successfully completed and credit points achieved, you will be awarded your degree.

USI: Unique Student Identifier number. This 10-digit number known as a USI is required for all students in nationally recognised training. You'll need this to enrol, graduate, and access your academic records.

VCE VM: The Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major is a two-year hands-on applied learning program as an alternative to straight VCE. It’s designed for practical learners, and uses a different form of assessment to VCE – and you won’t get study scores.

VET: Vocational Educational Training. This is specific industry learning, where the skills you learn can be applied in the workplace or as you keep studying towards a trade or qualification. TAFE at VU is a provider of this type of training, with many areas and course options you can get straight into to get you job-ready.

VSN: Victorian Student Number. This is a unique ID given to students in Victoria. It helps track your progress through school and further education.

VTAC: Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre. VTAC is responsible for processing your application for participating courses and supplying it to the institutions that you have nominated. The institutions then consider your application and offer you a place based on the admission criteria and the number of places available for your course.

VU Early Entry: our early entry program that offers Year 11 and Year 12 students the chance to secure a university spot before final exams or ATAR results are released. It recognises you for who you are – your passions, potential and achievements, not just ATAR – and offers you a tonne of exclusive benefits.

VUHQ: VU’s student support centres that help with enrolments, results, ID cards and general questions. You’ll find one on each campus as well as online.

WAM: Weighted average mark. This is your overall course score calculated using your grades and the credit points of each unit. At VU, it’s only used for honours and some postgrad courses.

WIL: Work Integrated Learning. Our VU WIL combines study with real-world experience. You’ll get practical skills and industry insight.

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