Intersectional collaboration & guidance
Learn about the plans, policies and procedures VU has in place to create a safe, inclusive environment.

VU takes a progressive inclusivity approach to everything we do. This is outlined in the VU Strategic Plan 2022-2028 Start Well, Finish Brilliantly.
Our equality, diversity, inclusion and justice commitment is enacted through VU-wide action plans, including:
In addition, our revised Accessibility Action Plan will be out soon.
These action plans are co-designed by staff and students with living experience, and their implementation and review is informed by VU networks in an ongoing way.
These networks include:
- Disability Employee Network (DEN)
- Pride Network
- Cultural Inclusion Network
- Decolonizing Solidarity book groups
- Gender Equity Student Advisory and Action Group
The Vice-Chancellor’s Group hold joint responsibility and leadership for the progressive inclusivity Action Plans. Each of the Deputy Vice-Chancellors is accountable to relevant aspects of progressing inclusivity and human rights as it pertains to their portfolio’s area of operations.
Actions are led by the Equality, Inclusion and Belonging Unit, Moondani Balluk – Indigenous Academic Unit and People & Culture in partnership with business teams across VU. This ensures a progressive inclusivity approach to all policies, programs and learning and development opportunities.
The Disability Employee Network and Pride Network each have an Executive Sponsor, who advocate and support initiatives and actions at a strategic level.
Equity Action Groups are chaired by Deputy Vice-Chancellors and act as nuanced sites of activity oversight, coordination, governance, and accountability for progressive inclusivity work. These groups operate or are in the process of establishment throughout Student Services, Research, Teaching & Learning in higher education and TAFE, People & Culture, Information Technology Systems, and Communications and Media.
As joint sponsors, members of the Vice-Chancellor's Group report on progress bi-annually through a Progressive Inclusivity Workplace Equality Paper to the Learning & Teaching Quality Committee of Academic Board, Academic Board and to University Council.
Additionally, progress is reported through the VU Annual Report, bi-annual VU Scorecard, on the VU internet for all staff to access and is publicly available on the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector data portal.