Goal 13: Climate action

In collaboration with industry and community, we investigate key aspects of climate change and renewable technologies, as well as the policy and practice of adequate responses to these challenges.

The Sustainable Futures Innovation Hub in Werribee focuses on responsible consumption and production in key industry sectors, with the objectives of reducing waste and progressing the circular economy.

Meanwhile, our campuses and facilities place climate-change mitigation at the forefront of our building design and energy and water-use practices.

Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.

– United Nations

Research projects & engagement 2020–21

Our vision is to create sustainable infrastructure, improving the lives of the community and future generations. We work across different disciplines and closely with government and industry to develop solutions.

VU launched four innovation hubs in 2021 to activate opportunities through partnership development and acceleration and incubation programs to develop innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities in Melbourne’s west.

The Sustainable Futures Hub focuses on responsible consumption and production practices in the water, construction and packaging industries, contributing to the State Government’s Recycling Victoria Strategy, the advancement of the circular economy and waste reduction. The research is delivering sustainable outcomes in relation to major infrastructure projects, specific infrastructure challenges for the west of Melbourne, packaging needs for various export industries and environmental water issues across Werribee.

We also offers programs focused on the environment and sustainability.

Sustainability on campus

University 2021 renewable energy use:

  • Renewable Energy 9,198,968 KWh out of Total Energy 18,556,886 KWh = 50%
  • An additional non-renewable energy offset by surrendering 554 Large-Scale generation certificate (LGC) equivalent to 554,000 kWh.

2021 greenhouse gas emissions: 12,327 tonnes CO2e

In 2021 the University also signed a power purchase agreement to procure 100% renewable electricity. This agreement has reduced carbon emissions by more than 70% when compared to 2019.