Dermal research projects

Every year, fourth-year dermal sciences students at Victoria University undertake a supervised project to develop research skills and specific knowledge in their chosen field of dermal science.

Projects will be posted here as they become available.

If you have been directed to this page to participate in a dermal research project, please see the list of projects and choose the project you wish to join.

We welcome you to take part in any of the projects listed if you meet the eligibility criteria. 

Dermal sciences research projects

Our students are trained to provide competent, efficient and compassionate clinical care in skin treatments, resurfacing and lymphatic procedures.

They have expertise in:

  •  wound healing
  • scarring
  • pre/post-operative skin care
  • fluid retention
  • inflammatory conditions skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and rosacea
  • uneven skin tone and pigmentation
  • ageing or sun damaged skin
  • removal of excess hair, tattoos, skin tags and leg veins.

Our dermal research projects can involve these and many other areas. Our research always follows ethical guidelines, and where required, our research projects are approved by our Ethics committee before commencement.

New projects will be posted as they come available.

Contact us

If you are interested in conducting research related to the skin, please contact us.
Unit convenor: Frank Perri
Email:  [email protected]