VUHQ (student service centres)

VUHQ is your first point of contact for assistance, advice and support.
Woman in blue t-shirt with Victoria University logo

Our Student Advisors are on hand to answer your questions and to help you access the wide range of support services at VU. They can provide you with advice on unit selections, enrolment issues, timetabling issues, fees, important dates, and more.

Meet us in person at the various VUHQ Service Centres across all of our campuses, or seek assistance online via the virtual VUHQ queue.

Locations & opening hours

Please make sure you check the opening and closing times before you attend one of our student service centres.

The VUHQ at City Queen has now permanently closed. If you need support or advice in the city, please visit the City Campus VUHQ.

Find out about support for VU Sydney students

City Campus VUHQ

Level 1, 370 Little Londsdale Street
City Campus
Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm


Footscray Nicholson VUHQ

Building T, Level 1, Room T146
Footscray Nicholson Campus
Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

Footscray Park VUHQ

Building M, Level 1 (Ground Floor)
Footscray Park Campus
Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

St Albans VUHQ

Building 4N, Level 1 (VUHQ)
St Albans Campus
Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm

Sunshine VUHQ

Building A, Room A120
Sunshine Campus
Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm

Werribee VUHQ

Building 1B, Level 1, Room 1B102
Werribee Campus
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9am—5pm
Tuesday and Thursday 9am—4pm

Werribee VUHQ is closed Friday 21 March