CPC20720 Certificate II in Drainage

VU course code: CPC20720 | Level of study: TAFE
2 years part time
Face to Face with eLearning
Certificate II in Drainage, Victoria University Polytechnic


Gain specialist skills in planning, installing, maintaining and repairing stormwater, drainage and sewerage systems, with the Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720 at Victoria University.

You will learn how to install below ground stormwater and sub-soil drainage systems, sanitary drainage systems, domestic treatment plants, on-site disposal systems as well as locate and clear blockages.

You will gain practical skills and knowledge in:

  • planning the layout of a residential sanitary drainage system
  • installing on-site disposal systems
  • installing prefabricated inspection openings and chambers
  • installing stormwater and drainage systems
  • installing pre-treatment facilities
  • installing trench support
  • welding polymer pipes using fusion method
  • reading plans and calculating plumbing quantities
  • hand and power tools
  • handling and storage of plumbing materials
  • effective communication
  • first aid
  • safe work practices in confined spaces.

This course is ideal for those currently working in the plumbing, building and construction industry who wish to obtain a formal qualification in drainage.

On completion, you will be prepared to seek registration with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). Applicants wishing to obtain registration in drainage should contact the VBA for advice on all their requirements.

NRT logoThis course is nationally recognised training.

Entry requirements

When assessing your application, we consider your education, work experience, current skills and personal attributes (where relevant).

Applicants for this course will need to meet the entry criteria outlined below. If you don’t meet the entry criteria, you may be able to gain entry by first completing a different course. We call this a ‘pathway’.

You may also be eligible for ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’, which lets you finish your course more quickly when you have gained some of the skills required from past study or work experience.

Entry criteria

Credit & Entry pathways into this course

Victoria University is committed to providing a transparent admissions process. Find out more about how to apply for our courses, and our commitment to admissions transparency. Meeting the minimum admission criteria does not guarantee entry into this course. Past academic performance may be considered.

Course structure

The course structure comprises the following core and elective units. These electives have been selected based on industry needs, graduate pathways and/or student and teacher feedback.

To be awarded the CPC20720 Certificate II in Drainage, a student must successfully complete a total of Eighteen (18) units of competency, comprising of:

- Thirteen (13) core units, and;

- Five (5) elective units, of which:

  • Four (4) elective units must be chosen from the elective units in the qualification
  • One (1) unit may be chosen from the elective units in the qualification, or from any relevant nationally endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
Elective units must be relevant to the work environment and the qualification, maintain the integrity of the AQF alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.

Note: An additional imported elective unit is offered to meet the Victorian Building Association requirements for limited registration in Drainage. Students are only required to complete one of the imported elective units if they do not wish to seek registration.

Fees & scholarships

TAFE fees vary, depending on how much the government contributes towards course costs (if anything).

Read below to find out about the fee ‘type’, the estimated yearly tuition costs for this course, and the financial support on offer.




On successful completion of this course, you will be able to register with the Victorian Building Authority as a drainer.