22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults qualification learning outcomes are as follows:
Graduates at this level will have basic factual, technical and procedural knowledge of a defined area of work and learning through knowledge of:
- processes for developing an individual learning plan
- features and components of an individual learning plan
- basic project methodology to complete a project in an activity in a selected context and/or around a specific content area
- techniques used by writers to convey meaning and achieve purpose
- structure and conventions of a range of familiar and unfamiliar text types, and
- signs/prints/symbols and their representation in mathematical texts and materials.
Graduates at this level will have cognitive skills to access, record and act on a defined range of information from a range of sources and cognitive and communication skills to apply and communicate known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems to:
- develop a learning plan in relation to identified goals, assemble a portfolio, and evaluate progress in relation to goals
- discuss aspects of own learning plan such as purpose and preferred learning styles to support development of the plan
- gather and analyse information from a variety of sources to complete a project
- identify and address issues and barriers which affect project goals
- select and apply reading strategies to interpret and analyse a range of familiar and unfamiliar texts
- discuss features and content of texts to establish relevance and effectiveness
- access and navigate web based digital text to locate information
- gather and order information required to create a range of familiar and unfamiliar complex written and digital texts, and
- investigate, interpret and apply knowledge of everyday and formal mathematics in a range of contexts.
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy and limited judgement in structured and stable conditions and within narrow parameters through:
- accessing and noting relevant information about possible pathway options and discussing options
- reviewing and revising progress of learning plan and project
- undertaking project tasks efficiently and monitor activities against action plan
- contributing to effective group interaction by recognising responsibilities of others
- selecting texts relevant to own purposes and evaluating effectiveness
- selecting appropriate format, structure and language to create texts, and
- applying mathematical information and problem solving strategies in a range of contexts.