22474VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults qualification learning outcomes are as follows:
Graduates of a Certificate III will have factual, technical, procedural and theoretical knowledge in an area of work and learning through knowledge of:
- processes for developing an individual learning plan
- sources of information about broad pathway options
- devices used by writers to convey meaning and achieve purpose
- complex grammatical structures to accurately and effectively express content and meaning
- a broad and/or specialised vocabulary to accurately express content, and
- mathematical and problem solving techniques and strategies in a broad range of highly complex contexts.
Graduates at this level will have cognitive and communication skills to interpret and act on available information, apply and communicate known solutions to a variety of predictable problems and to deal with unforeseen contingencies using known solutions and provide information to a variety of specialist and non-specialist audiences to:
- read and interpret a range of information about potential pathway options
- apply research skills to locate and evaluate information relevant to own goals and options
- develop, document and evaluate a leaning plan according to identified processes
- select and evaluate types of evidence to assemble a portfolio
- read interpret and critically analyse a broad range of highly complex texts
- plan and produce a folio of highly complex texts, and
- perform a range of complex mathematical tasks and use a variety of formal and informal mathematical language in a broad range of contexts.
Application of knowledge and skills
Graduates at this level will demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills:
- through identification of barriers to the achievement of learning goals and strategies to address these
- to adapt and transfer skills and knowledge within known routines, methods, procedures and time constraints through the application of a range of strategies to engage with and create a broad range of highly complex text types and apply problem solving strategies and techniques to a range of mathematical contexts, and
- to take responsibility for own outputs in learning including participation in teams and taking limited responsibility for the output of others within established parameters through the design, development, monitoring and evaluation of own learning plan and implementation of a project where responsibilities of other members are identified and own role is clarified.