Bullying & cyberbullying

Report a concern

If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed any inappropriate or concerning behaviour you can report it – either anonymously or with contact details.

Find out how to get help if you have been bullied, online or in person.

Seeking help

If you or someone you know has been the victim of bullying or cyberbullying, you can report this behaviour and/or seek support from Safer Community. You can report the behaviour either anonymously or with your contact details by using the online form or you can contact Safer Community directly.

VU Counselling provides free and confidential support to VU Students. 

Tip: If you report bullying to Safer Community, it will help us to know what happened, and when. In making your report you may like to provide as with any emails, messages, screenshots or photos you have in relation to the behaviour.

Immediate assistance

If you feel unsafe or threatened on campus, call VU Security or the police:

VU Security: +61 3 9919 6666

Police: Call 000

Safer Community

Online form: Report a concern online

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 3 9919 5707

VU Counselling appointments

Phone: +61 3 9919 5400

More information: Counselling & mental health

External resources

Seek help from external professional support service, such as:

Beyond Blue:
call 1300 22 4636

Bully Zero Foundation:
call 1800 028 559

call 1800 650 890  

Human Rights Commission:
call 1300 292 153


That's Not Cool:
An interactive site from the US about where you draw your digital line.

Youth Central :
Advice about understanding the consequences of online actions, knowing what to do if things go wrong, and understanding online security can make your time online safer and more enjoyable.

eSafety Commissioner :
The eSafety Commissioner investigates offensive and illegal online content and work towards rapid removal. The website outlines the process for reporting online abuse. Its toolkit provides targeted advice for university staff and students on how to deal with online abuse and its impacts.