Clinical Exercise & Rehabilitation (VUCER) placements

Victoria University Clinical Exercise & Rehabilitation (VUCER) placements are included in the following courses:

VUCER placements are designed to equip you with skills and knowledge of an entry-level practitioner.

You may also gain membership and/or accreditation with Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) as an Exercise Scientist and/or Exercise Physiologist (AEP).

Please note: Accreditation with ESSA is not automatic. Students need to successfully complete their academic studies and also achieve the required practicum hours for their course to be eligible for accreditation with ESSA. Students can then apply to

Clinical placements

As part of your exercise science study, you'll undertake hands-on training to help you understand the role exercise can play in managing the health of clients.

Training is under the supervision of ESSA approved supervisors, and is offered in two programs, according to your study level:

  • Apparently healthy populations: clinical placement for our undergraduate students, working with clients with no known injury or illness
  • Clinical populations: clinical placement for our masters students, working with clients with injuries and/or chronic disease.

Clinical placement information & opportunities

Clinical placement information and upcoming clinical placement opportunities are announced via student email. Details about each particular placement and any required pre-requisites will be included.

Placement opportunities are advertised on an ongoing basis.

Prior to commencing placement you will need to:

  • complete the required placement preparation unit
  • provide all mandatory documents
  • sign a clinical placement contract
  • buy a clinical uniform
  • make work arrangements that fit in with your placements
  • pay for your own travel.