Work Integrated Learning - Business School

Partner with us

If you are an employer and would like to learn more about Work Integrated Learning, please get in touch.

Our long-running Work Integrated Learning programs are recognised by local and international businesses.

Hear from past students and employers about their experience with our programs and discover how we integrate real world professional experiences into our Bachelor of Business course.

About our programs

Work Integrated Learning is an umbrella term used to refer to activities that combine academic learning with practical application in a workplace setting.

Our programs facilitate the integration of theoretical knowledge and real-world skills. This provides you with opportunities to apply what you've learned in a professional context.

You'll enhance your career-readiness by developing practical competencies, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Work Integrated Learning is embedded as a formal component of our Bachelor of Business course.

Our industry partners

Partner with us

Employers that work with our students through the Work Integrated Learning program typically:

  • develop a talent pipeline for future staffing needs
  • acquire new perspectives and enhance your team’s capabilities by applying cutting-edge business theories
  • gain a cost-effective preview of potential job candidates, thereby reducing recruitment expenses
  • provide opportunities for your current employees to develop their leadership and mentoring skills.

Work with our students and discover how they can make a difference in your organisation.