Cancellation or suspension of your enrolment

The University can cancel or suspend your enrolment if you have:

  • been excluded as a result of general and/or academic misconduct under the Student Misconduct Regulation
  • been excluded as a result of unsatisfactory academic progress under the Academic Progress Regulations 2016
  • been excluded under the Health and Safety Regulation
  • exceeded the maximum course duration
  • failed to pay the prescribed fees by the payment due date
  • failed to comply with international student visa conditions
  • failed to meet the attendance requirement under the rules of the course
  • failed to provide a valid USI.

If your enrolment has been denied, altered or cancelled, you may request a review. In some instances, you may be eligible to lodge an appeal in accordance with the relevant policies or regulations.

Late fees

late payment fee of $158 applies when:

  • your payment is received after the due date
  • you've been cancelled from a unit due to non-payment of fees, and have been reinstated into the unit(s) of study.

late enrolment fee of $158 applies when:

  • you enrol after the published deadlines for the relevant study period
  • you were reinstated in to the unit(s) of study after a cancellation.

If you are reinstated in to the unit(s) of study you are required to pay both the late payment and late enrolment fees plus the full-fee amount(s) for each reinstated unit.

Non-payment of fees

You must pay your fees by the due date on your statement of account (invoice) to avoid the risk of having your enrolment cancelled due to non-payment of fees.


Achieving satisfactory attendance is a requirement for VET.  The attendance of students in accredited, non-award ELICOS, and Foundation programs is monitored.


Under the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to International Students 2018, if Victoria University suspends or cancels your enrolment, you will be provided 20 working days to access the University's internal complaints and appeals mechanism.

The University will give you information in writing about the complaints and appeals process. You can also refer to the Student Complaint Resolution policy for further detail.

If you believe your issue has not been resolved via the internal complaints and appeals process, you can appeal to the Victorian Ombudsman. The Ombudsman will only assess the appeals handling process, and cannot overturn the University's decision to suspend or cancel your enrolment.