Higher Education census & payment deadlines

Check important enrolment and payment deadlines for your higher education course.

VET/TAFE students, please see VET/TAFE census & payment deadlines.

What is census date?

Census date is the last day for you to finalise your course enrolment for each relevant study period.

You finalise your course enrolment by doing one of the following:

  • submitting a 'Request for CSP' form to access a Commonwealth Supported Place
  • submitting a 'Request for Commonwealth assistance form' to access HELP loan(s) with a valid Tax File Number (TFN)
  • withdrawing from units or your course to avoid financial liability
  • applying for intermission (leave of absence) to avoid financial liability
  • paying your student contribution or tuition in full to avoid the cancellation of your enrolment.

Payment deadlines

Your payment deadline is always on the first Friday of each study period. You must pay in full by this date as per your statement of account (available via MyVU). 

If you are unable to pay by the due date, you may be able to access financial support if eligible.

If you do not pay by the deadline: 

  • you will have an encumbrance applied to your student record, which may prevent you from receiving results, academic transcripts, statement of attainment, graduating & re-enrolling.

Census & payment deadlines by study mode

2024 study dates

Student Services & Amenities Fee (SSAF)

SSAF is charged twice a year based on your enrolment load. You must pay your SSAF by the due date, or defer if you're eligible.

Find out more about paying your SSAF – who pays it, how much, and when it is due.